M’CHIGEENG—Fortunately no one was injured in a fire that destroyed a home in M’Chigeeng First Nation on March 10.
The fire took place at the home of Wade Debassige, a M’Chigeeng resident, in the early morning hours of Monday, March 10, said Forrest Schut, M’Chigeeng fire chief.
Fire Chief Schut told The Expositor, “We don’t know what the cause of the fire was,” but he noted that apparently it resulted from a wood stove getting too hot.
The M’Chigeeng Fire Department did not receive a call of the fire, said Fire Chief Schut. Fortunately, Mr. Debassige was not in the home at the time of the fire.
The home of Mr. Debassige, which burned to the ground in the blaze, was located on Otter Lake in M’Chigeeng.