M’CHIGEENG—The sacred fire for the September 3 and 4 annual M’Chigeeng Jiingtamok will be lit on Thursday, September 1 in preparation for the grand entry at 1 pm on Saturday, September 3. There will be three grand entries over the weekend, the aforementioned on Saturday and another that evening at 7 pm and then again on Sunday at noon.
Host drum for this weekend’s events will be Black Bull Moose sharing duties with co-host drum Red River, all under the capable hands of master of ceremonies Mista Wasis and co-host Greg (The Goose) Sutherland. Arena director Steven Peltier will ensure things are unfolding smoothly on the dancing ground as head elder Jean Debassige and head veteran Justin Debassige lead in the eagle staffs followed by head dancers Wes and Tracy Cleland. Junior head dancers are Noah Hare and Scarlett Shogga.
The Jiingtamok will be accepting the first five drums (with a minimum of five singers) and there will be a Crow Hop special.
There is rough camping available and, as is traditional, no alcohol or drugs will be allowed.
Those seeking more information on being a vendor should contact Candi Kaiser at 705-968-0440. Security contact is Amber Gaudrault at 705-507-1794.