Home News Local Marlene Moore is a serial volunteer

Marlene Moore is a serial volunteer

Providence Bay resident Marlene Moore is a very active volunteer in her home community. photo by Alexia Hannigan

PROVIDENCE BAY—Marlene Moore was born and raised in Providence Bay and has been a volunteer in her home community for many years.

“I personally can’t remember a township event where I haven’t seen her smiling face and seen her giving a helping hand,” said local resident Daniel Gilchrist. 

I asked Ms. Moore what it takes to be a good volunteer and what was the driving force behind her getting involved in giving back.

“My mother used to go door to door canvassing for the Heart and Stroke Foundation and one day she mentioned they needed some volunteers to help with their fundraising,” said Ms. Moore. “That’s how it all started.” 

She never looked back. Her involvement in her community has always been at the forefront. Marlene’s ability to reach people paired with her generous and playful spirit has led to a lifelong connection to her community.

“My daughter was a Girl Guide for many years and my son was a Boy Scout as well, so my kids also got involved in giving back to the community this way,” said Ms. Moore. “The Girl Guides always needed guide leaders, so I got involved with all of it.”

Ms. Moore was soon appointed district commissioner of the New Sudbury Girl Guides and oversaw many of the mentoring and leadership roles. “I enjoyed doing this, it is very rewarding seeing kids go from Brownies to Sparks and to eventually oversee them take on those leadership roles themself.”

Ms. Moore mentioned she is really happy to see some of the local kids in the community getting directly involved in volunteering in things like church cleanup and the annual turkey supper. “You don’t need too much formal training to be a volunteer, you just need to be kind. Kindness is key.” 

“Everyone in this town volunteers, and I am proud to report that community support is alive and well in Providence Bay,” said Ms. Moore. She mentioned that she earned a 25-year volunteer certificate from the Heart and Stroke Foundation and has even tried her hand as an assistant ringette coach and assistant youth soccer coach over the years. “Those roles involved a little more training, but most organizations will give you the training, tools and know-how to get directly involved.”

She has often learned from other volunteers and coaches. “The greatest part of it is people remember you, it’s a great way to meet people and a great way to expand your networking and build confidence.”

An active member of Community of Christ Church, an active volunteer and an integral part of her home community of Providence Bay, Ms. Moore enjoys helping others. When she is not volunteering, she enjoys time with family and friends and handcrafts beautiful and unique handknit and crocheted toys, clothing and apparel that she showcases in many local and Island events, markets and trade shows. Providence Bay is blessed to have such a kind, generous and creative spirit as you, Marlene. Well done!

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