M’CHIGEENG—The Manitoulin Secondary School (MSS) Manitoulin Metal Robotics FRC6865 held an official launch of its children’s book called ‘Robofriends and the MowZone.’ While the book has only very recently been published, the book is already sparking interest in children who have read it.
“One of our team mentor’s daughters read the book and has been designing robots ever since,” stated Alexandra Wilson-Zegil at the book launch held at the school on Wednesday of last week. “It is really cool to know that the book is sparking interest in young children.”
The engaging story combines robotics, environmental sustainability and teamwork with interactive elements and discussion topics.
Ms. Wilson-Zegil, who wrote the book, Robyn-Ashley McNaughton, who did the drawings, and two other of the team members, Alexis McVey, and Samuel Pennings outlined that the book was inspired on the return trip from Houston where the Manitoulin Metal Robotics had participated in an international competition. A five-hour layover in Atlanta on their way home gave team members an opportunity to brainstorm ideas for new projects.
“It was on this layover in Atlanta, between flights, that some of the members of the team were wondering what we could do next,” said Ms. McVey. “It was decided, ‘let’s do a children’s book’.”
When the team got back home, they brainstormed the book idea and further developed it. It took about eight months from the initial idea to the book being published.
Recognizing that strong reading and writing skills are fundamental for success in all fields, students wanted to give children opportunities to read fun books about robotics, while promoting environmental education and sustainability, along with developing their reading skills.
The main characters in Robofriends and the Mow Zone are named after past Manitoulin metal robots-Jed, Sam, Lyn and most recently, Bumblebee, who plays a lead role.
The story unfolds “as a team of Robofriends gets ready for a picnic when a danger enters the garden. Now, the friends have to work together to protect what matters most.”
A group of students brainstormed the story idea last May and Alexandra Wilson-Zegil wrote the book during the summer. Robyn-Ashley McNaughton developed a visual story board and finished the illustrations so the book could be published in time for the holidays.
“I remember all the text on the blackboard we had all put together through brainstorming,” said Ms. Wilson-Zegil. “Another distinct point was when we all helped with the golf tournament (at Brookwood Brae Golf Course in Mindemoya) in September. We all worked on the book that day and we finished writing the book on the story board. It made us feel that this book was really happening.”

Ms. McNaughton said it took her about three months to finish the graphics for the book. “I would work on the book on the bus to school in the morning, then at lunch, and then on the way home.”
“When I saw the first copy of the book I was amazed and said, ‘oh my God,’” said Ms. McNaughton
Various members of the robotics team completed the editing and layout under the umbrella of MSS Publishing. The printing was outsourced to Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.
Launched in 2017, Manitoulin Metal Robotics is a Canadian FIRST robotics team. They are dedicated to environmental sustainability and overcoming any challenges through resilience, creative problem solving and community.
Robofriends and the Mow Zone is the first book in the Manitoulin Metal Robotics FRC6865 Literacy Series. The book sells for $15 on amazon.ca. and is also available at the Manitoulin Expositor offices in Little Current and Gore Bay. Proceeds will support the team’s travel to the World Championships in Houston in April as well as another book in the series.