MANITOULIN—Two Manitoulin Island quilters have had the unique experience of having their quilts accepted into national juried quilt shows, one in Canada and the other in the US. Jackie White of Manitowaning and Lauren MacDonald of Silver Water, with the help of Melissa McIntosh, have each had quilts accepted into juried shows.
“My quilt, ‘Life’s A Beach,’ got juried into North America’s largest juried quilt show,” said Jackie White, whose quilt will be going to the International Quilt Festival in Houston, Texas.
“The International Quilt Festival is the largest annual quilt show in the US and takes place each fall in Houston,” the festival website states. “The festival regularly attracts 55,000 people from over 35 countries around the world. There is shopping at more than 1,000 booths for quilts, fabric, supplies and crafts, along with 550 classes and lectures for all experience levels. The festival features more than 1,600 quilts and unique works of textile art on display.”
Ms. White received a letter from the organizers of the quilt festival which states, “Congratulations! Your quilt, ‘Life at the Beach,’ was selected for inclusion in the Pictorial, Small Category for the International Quilt Festival’s Judged Show, in Houston, November 2-9, 2023. The jurors were amazed at the quality of the quilts they were asked to consider. What makes it even more special is that your quilt was selected for inclusion in the International Quilt Festival’s Judged Show.”
“I went to Vancouver in June 2022 for our national quilt conference and then onto Vancouver Island to spend time with two past board members from the Canadian Quilters Association who had served with me when I was on the board,” Ms. White told The Expositor. “I teased the one who lives on the island that on our Island of Manitoulin we had sand on our beaches, and theirs had rocks and wood, albeit still beautiful, but so different. I took a picture, well several, of the beach scenes.”
“When I got back home, I went through my images and selected one and had it printed on fabric,” said Ms. White. “Then I quilted it to show off the unique parts of the scene. This quilt then got into Houston. I will send it along and it will hang in the quilt show in November. Prior to that it will be judged. This is only the second quilt I have had accepted to Houston over the years.”

Ms. MacDonald told The Expositor, “I had the unique experience of having my quilt, ‘Wheelhouse Modern,’ accepted into the National Juried Show at Quilt Canada this year. Melissa McIntosh (Lakeside Longarmer) quilted it with amazing creativity.”
Ms. MacDonald designed the beautiful quilt, and the pattern is offered free to quilters who join the Canadian Quilters Association.
“The quilt will be on display at ‘Manitoulin Quilts Galore!’ from July 14-16 in the Assiginack Curling Club,” said Ms. MacDonald.
As was reported previously, six Manitoulin youth also had their quilting works chosen and displayed among many other talented quilters across Canada. They included 12-year-old Chloe Moggy along with Allie and Katie Jameson, Violet Bell, Myla Trudeau and Shane Cranston.