Home News Local Lions Club draws make for a winning team

Lions Club draws make for a winning team


A Sudbury man who has strong family ties to Manitoulin has won a prize of $2,500 in a Gore Bay-Western Manitoulin Lions Club 50/50 draw. Lion Larry Hunter explained that John Wismer of Sudbury won the 50/50 draw cash prize of $2,500. With the rest of the funds derived from sale of tickets ($5 each) in the draw, the rest of the proceeds from the sale of tickets will go to Manitoulin Family Resources Christmas food hamper campaign and part of the proceeds going to Manitoulin Special Olympics and the Lions Dog Guide program. A second Lions 50/50 draw will again be held for a cash prize of $2,500 in two weeks. Proceeds from the sale of the tickets for the draw will be going to the Lyons United Church Food Cupboard. Mr. Hunter pointed out that tickets for that draw are almost sold out. So, get your tickets as soon as possible.

Photo by Tom Sasvari

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