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Letters: Trapper calls on province to be non-compliant on federal legislation


Assist the fur industry to find viable markets for both economic and environmental benefits

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is an open letter to the Hon. Graydon Smith, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry and has been reprinted here at the author’s request.

Minister Smith,

I am writing to you with concern in regards to a proposed amendment of the previous protecting of canids (especially coyotes) in the areas where eastern wolves are found to be located in Ontario. I suggest to you that this protectionist legislation has only interfered with a trapper’s ability to properly manage coyote population, which perpetuates the increased predation of moose, deer, beaver and domestic farm stock etc. to a much higher level than normal.

If this proposed amendment to Schedule 1 of the S.A.R.A. to uplist the eastern wolf (which is proven to have a stable population in Ontario) is allowed to go into effect it will become the perfect storm of a high increase of total canid predation which will have a devastating effect on total predation, especially moose, deer and domestic farm stock, in Ontario.

This, along with the shocking drop of coyote prices that trappers receive from buyers, which was perpetuated by the environmentally unsound move by the Canada Goose Company to go with all fake, faux fur on their garments will most certainly cause a decimation to prey species that they may never rebound from.

Minister, your provincial government has a clear history of non-compliance with federal acts. Should those said acts not be in the best interest of the citizens of Ontario I strongly suggest to you, sir, that this proposed amendment is certainly not in the best interest of the citizens of Ontario.

I must emphasize with you, as a licenced Ontario trapper that I, like the vast majority of trappers, in no way suggest that canids should ever be over-harvested, only that their populations be kept at manageable levels to keep proper balance in the eco-systems.

Personally, I love wolves for the beautiful creatures they are and am cognitive of the fact that they have an important role to play in keeping our eco-systems vibrant and healthy.

Minister Smith, I ask of you to consider two things:

Firstly, to work with your government to ensure that this detrimental amendment never becomes legislation in Ontario. And secondly, to work with your government and the Government of Canada to aid and assist the fur industry in this province and this country to find a viable market for our coyote fur for both economical and environmental benefits.

Thank you.


Greg Young
Licenced Ontario trapper

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