Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor LETTERS: The Little Current swing bridge is an icon of our community

LETTERS: The Little Current swing bridge is an icon of our community


Never mind the wait, kick back and enjoy that which surrounds you

To the Expositor:

We’ve got to keep the swing bridge. From one North American to another, it is one of the premier icons of our community. It is an integral part of our heritage and we should do everything we can to keep it as it is! Spend an average of $600,000 a year on its “maintenance.” If we tear it down and start over? There is naught “progress” there at any level.

I heard from a friend that what’s driving the recent debate over its fate is the “complaints” and whinging from locals and American tourists alike about “the wait.” Whether, God forbid, to let boats get through or to let vehicles come through from “the other direction” which is confirmed by the recent spate of drivers who have started running the only red light in town.

“Slow”, my young friend Nicholas chimed in one day as we looked out on our tiny portion of paradise. My advice? Breathe deep. Smell the air. Listen to the wind. Watch the sky. Admire the art in the rock and the water that sustain us, and wait until its your turn. 

Thanks for listening,

Thanks for all you do! I love especially your first-rate editorial page! As I’ve said elsewhere, you often rival the New York Times.

Mike Toombs



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