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Letters: An alternate perspective on Canada’s support of Ukraine

Money could be much better spent here at home

To the Expositor:

I am writing to you in regards to the conflict in Ukraine.

Canada has just committed another $500 million dollars in military aid to Ukraine, bringing that total to $1 billion. That money would be much better spent providing affordable housing in Canada, or used for infrastructure projects in Canada, or just left in the pockets of taxpayers in Canada, instead of supporting a corporate welfare agenda.

Canada is acting as though it is in a state of war against Russia.

The Ukraine is not part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It should never be a part of NATO. NATO should no longer exist, as the reason for which it was created no longer exists. The USSR and the Warsaw Pact no longer exist. Canada has no need to take sides in the conflict in Ukraine.

Martin Luther King Jr. said when accepting the Noble Peace Prize: “I refuse to accept the cynical notion that nation after nation must spiral down a militaristic stairway into the hell of thermonuclear destruction. I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right temporarily defeated is stronger than evil triumphant.”

Canada was once known internationally for its efforts to broker peace in areas of conflict.  Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson also won the Noble Peace Prize for his efforts in putting out the fires of a potential major conflict in the Middle East. Canada’s military was known internationally for its peacekeeping efforts worldwide. Now we are constantly picking sides in conflicts for which we need not act as belligerent or instigator. It is a cost in lives and dollars that Canada cannot afford.

Humanitarian aid stemming from the conflict in Ukraine has cost Canadians a further $7 billion. Where is this money going? Who is being held accountable in this expenditure?

Last year, local citizens held fundraising events to help the victims of war in Ukraine. The organizers were clear as to who would be receiving the money, and how it would be spent. I believe that fundraising event was an act of love and compassion, and I am grateful to know I am surrounded by such caring people here on Manitoulin Island.

Victims of the war in Ukraine have come to Manitoulin as refugees. I believe they have taken advantage of their opportunity and done everything they can to find peace and make our community a better place.

It would have been better if Canada had acted in a peacekeeping role to do everything it could to have prevented war in Ukraine. I believe we would have been successful. We can still be successful in helping end that conflict. MLK Jr. also says that if you are going to believe in something, it might as well be an audacious belief.

Canada has brokered peace in the past, and can do so again.

Canada has enough problems of its own within its own borders that must be addressed before we take sides in an unnecessary hot war with a nuclear armed superpower.

Canada must return to the role of peacekeeper in international affairs.


Zak Nicholls
Little Current

PS – The Ukrainian president has stated democratic elections in Ukraine will not occur until the war is over.

Article written by

Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff