Home Columns Letter: The irony of the official embracing of a carcinogen

Letter: The irony of the official embracing of a carcinogen


Does eradication of phragmites merit use of glysophate?

To the Expositor:

Honesty is difficult if you are afraid to offend, or something like that. Fact: on January 29, 2024 a jury awarded $2.25 billion to a man who contracted cancer from glyphosate aka Roundup. 

Fact: flora and fauna have been migrating across continents for millennia. Starlings, sparrows, brown trout etc etc are some of hundreds of examples. Within one or two previous generations, we too have migrated to this marvelous island. We are all phragmites, no? 

So now big business and government have colluded to attack these plants, which I cannot even find, with a proven cancer causing carcinogen. 

We all know that these thoughts will not be printed. Government narratives are always gospel, no matter the facts. Although I sincerely hope that you will not put babies in ovens because the government told you.

Tommy Lough


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