Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Letter: A shout out from Beaverlodge folks to Wayne and Owen Legge

Letter: A shout out from Beaverlodge folks to Wayne and Owen Legge


Personal service of repair coupled with local stories and history

To the Expositor:

We would like to send a shout out to Wayne and Owen Legge from Manitoulin Chrysler. 

We had an unfortunate accident with our RV on the ferry coming back from Tobermory on September 25 this year. We were hoping to spend some time on your wonderful island to explore and camp for a few days. The damage on our RV was susceptible to water damage and on the recommendation of a fellow ferry mate, Mr. Dan Friday, we gladly followed him to the Chrysler dealer for a temporary repair so that we could get back to Alberta and deal with the real repairs once there. The body shop fellows took a look and tried to make a plan to seal up the rig. 

Mr. Wayne Legge, the owner, stepped in and assessed the problem. He decided right away that he would put us and our RV into his big shop at his home where it would be protected from the weather, and he would work on it himself that evening. He told us to park and plug in and get comfortable for the evening. He spent a couple of hours fixing up the problem with a professional attitude while his father, Owen, entertained us with local stories and history. The repair turned out great, although not pretty, but definitely sealed up to get home without further damage. Wayne told us to leave the rig there the next day for all of the morning, at least, and to go do some of the sightseeing we were there to do. We later picked up our rig and went by to pay the small repair bill at the dealership. Mr. Legge was not in so we could not give him the grateful thanks that we wanted to. Therefore, we want to write this letter and hope that these gentlemen will be honored in your community for the kind, helpful and useful beings that they are. 

People like this make our travels memorable to say the least. Good and bad things will happen when you put so many miles on an RV and those experiences could turn out to be horrible. We will never forget the beauty of your island and the special people that live there. 

With full and grateful hearts,

Debby and Garth MacDougall

Beaverlodge, Alberta


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