Home Columns Letter: A reeve by any other name is mayor

Letter: A reeve by any other name is mayor


At least this news is a start

To the Expositor:

You know, I have to be honest here. I’m not sure that “mayor” of Tehkummah is going to bring any more respect than “reeve” of Tehkummah. Though I guess it shouldn’t cost too much to change all the relevant signs, paperwork, web pages etc. And of course, it’s not going to make any difference to anything, other than to people who didn’t know that reeve and mayor are pretty much the same thing. 

I was sort of hoping that news from Tehkummah Township would cover progress with the deteriorating Bowerman Trail, the untended public beach, John Budd Park management, the underutilized marina, tourist promotions and township activities. Perhaps, even, some information on our long missing clerk. But I guess reporting news of a supposedly more important sounding administrative title is some sort of start. 

Personally, as someone who lives in the hamlet (not town) of South Baymouth in the Township (not municipality) of Tehkummah, I was quite happy with the traditional title of reeve. 


David Samuels

Hamlet of South Baymouth

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