To the Expositor:
I wonder if all those gifted musicians who entertain the residents in nursing homes are aware how profoundly their music affects the audience when at times the response is so muted. Look at the feet of those who seem asleep. Are they asleep or just calm? Have their eyes just turned inward, transporting them to past happier times and places? Watch their toes. While you sing and play for them, they are experiencing joy at the most basic level.
It’s astounding how many talented people live among us on this Island. Last Thursday afternoon, the duo of Rick and Matthew Piché, father and son, provided an hour of out-of-body experience for the residents and visitors at the Manitoulin Centennial Manor. What a morale booster and mood changer this was for their very captive audience.
For people with dementia music as therapy is becoming routine in many facilities. Music transcends the barriers of age and language. It’s a deep-rooted, integral part of one’s persona. These are the unsung heroes, the talented musicians who provide the joy of music to seniors in nursing homes. All deserve a big hand.
The virtuosity of Rick and Mathew Piché can be enjoyed at a fundraiser on August 1 at 7:30 pm at the unique Anglican limestone church in Mindemoya.
Helga Reilly