Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Kudos to Canada 150 in Gore Bay

Kudos to Canada 150 in Gore Bay


Dear Editor:

What a great day for our town. The streets were full of residents and visitors alike,  of all ages, having the time of their life. This could not have happened without the efforts of many, many people . The Canada 150 committee brought all our local groups and organizations together to give us a day to remember. Kudos to them.

The whole town has benefitted because of the efforts of all those involved. Far too many to name but you know who you are so give yourself a pat on the back.  You deserve it.

On behalf of the business sector, thank you for holding the events downtown. We benefited  because of this. To our town council, I would ask that you consider holding our Harbour Days events on Meredith Street, as well. We like to be involved too. Again, what a day and thanks.

Jim Woods

Gore Bay


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