Home Columns Kids in the Hall: January 11, 2023

Kids in the Hall: January 11, 2023


Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! The snow is finally becoming more consistent (and with that, snow days) as we start the final stretch of the semester.

After two weeks of a relaxing Christmas break, we are jumping right into the exam season. The common room is bustling with studying students. Senior classes have been narrowed down to just an exam, rather than the focus on culminating projects we’ve seen in previous years. Exams will take place from January 26 to January 31. The exam schedule has been sent out to all student emails.

Wednesday, January 4 was National Ribbon Skirt Day. Ribbon skirts are a part of Indigenous culture, each ribbon on the skirt has a special meaning for the woman or girl wearing the skirt. Thank you to the staff and students who wore ribbon skirts! 

Awards Night was on Thursday, January 5. This night is an MSS tradition where community donors contribute money to help graduated students on their path to post-secondary school. This year there was almost $60,000 raised and awarded to graduates. The room was nicely decorated with gold garland, artificial plants and lights. Thank you to everyone who made this possible and supported MSS’s graduates.

Speaking of graduating, university applications are due on January 12 for students graduating this year. Students are encouraged to speak to their guidance counsellors if they have any questions, concerns or problems regarding this deadline. Best of luck to everyone! 

The robotics team had their season kickoff event on Saturday, January 7. The game for this season was announced and now it’s up to teams to start building and planning for competition. On top of this Manitoulin Metal will be submitting an application for the FIRST Impact award this year. Have a great season, Manitoulin Metal! 

Here are some quick updates:

The MSS Alpine Ski Team started their practices on Thursday, January 5. Any students interested in joining are asked to speak to Allison Orford, our school’s social worker. 

The MSS musical is set to be performed on March 4-6. They will be performing the play ‘Something Rotten.’ Tickets will be available soon! 

SHARE/Go Green will be participating in an energy saving competition next month. They will be trying to get the whole school involved in saving energy and the environment! 

That is all for this week! I hope everyone is having a great January. Until next time, go, Mustangs, go!


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