LAKE WOLSEY – While the very frigid and windy conditions did not provide for the ultimate fishing conditions, the Gore Bay and District Fish and Game Club (GBFGC) annual kids’ fishing derby, held this past Saturday, was a tremendous success!
A total of 94 kids participated in the derby and the kids registered a total of 17 fish caught during the event.
“I can’t thank everyone enough for taking part in this derby. This was an endurance test,” stated Ian Anderson, who was the master of ceremonies at the awards ceremony held Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Anderson stated, “this derby has been held annually since 2009, only having been cancelled a couple of years due to weather. But this derby is only held because of the Gore Bay Fish and Game Club and especially due to the Witty family.” He pointed to the long list of sponsors, 57, for the derby and those who donated food and prizes.
Ches Witty, the main organizer of the derby told the Recorder, “you can’t say the derby wasn’t a success, and I would like to say I think these boys and girls are real troopers for being out in the storm like we had to take part in the derby. I would like to thank them and all the sponsors and all the people who helped, especially the (GBFGC) members.
Avery Nodecker won a fishing tackle prize, while Barry Wall won the donated tools prize.
“We would like to thank Carol and Dave Lang, who every year donate a prize for the largest rainbow trout or ling caught in the derby,” said Mr. Witty.
This year, the largest fish caught in the derby was Macy Middaugh of Sault Ste. Marie who caught a ling weighing two pounds, five ounces. She won a $30 cash prize donated by Dave and Carol Lang.
In the age 0-6 division, Lilly Wiwchar took first place with Wyatt McPhee taking the second-place prize.

In the age 7-11 division, Olivia Grey was first followed by Hudson McDonald in second. And in the age 12-18 division Alex Fowlie took first place with Blaec Quinlan in second.
There was no entrance fee to take part in the derby, and every child received a prize. As well, there was free hotdogs, donuts, muffins and hot chocolate donated by Lafarge Quarry, Dean’s Valu-Mart, Tim Hortons in Chelmsford, Val Caron and Hanmer, and Parmalat Canada, for all participants.