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Ken Blodgett back on Gore Bay council following resignation of Councillor Leeanne Woestenenk

Ken Blodgett will serve another term as Gore Bay councillor.

GORE BAY—Gore Bay town council is going through the process of filling a vacant seat on council.

At a council meeting last week Gore Bay Mayor Ron Lane explained, “as everyone knows by now one of the parties (Leeanne Woestenenk), who had been elected in our municipal election has decided to resign from council. We need to declare a seat vacant on council.”

Mayor Lane noted that he had discussed the issue with town CAO Stasia Carr. “My feeling is that it is important to fill the vacant council seat as soon as possible.”

Council has two options to consider for filling the council seat, by appointment or by holding a byelection.

“Personally, I am not in favour of a byelection,” said Mayor Lane. “We could fill the council seat by appointment. There was only one candidate that was not elected, and this person (Ken Blodgett) could be offered the position, or we could advertise for people to put their names forward for a seat on council. The quickest way would be to offer the position to the candidate.”

“I would agree offering the position to Mr. Blodgett,” said Councillor Dan Osborne. “And if he declines the offer then we can go with advertising for people to put their names forward.”

Councillor Paulie Nodecker inquired as to what would happen if Mr. Blodgett declined the offer to fill the vacant council position, and if the town advertised for people to put their name forward for council, but no one did so.

“That would be the worst-case scenario,” stated Mayor Lane.

Council passed a motion “that whereas Councillor Leeanne Woestenenk had tendered her resignation from council on November 25, and since the vacant council position needs to be filled within 60 days, that council will accept Ms. Woestenenk’s resignation with regret. Council will fill the council position by appointment and will offer the position to Ken Blodgett. If the latter does not accept the offer, then the town will go through the process of advertising for members of the public to put their name forward for council.”

Mr. Blodgett has accepted the position and will serve as councillor for the term.

When reached by The Expositor Ms. Woestenenk declined to comment on why she resigned from council.


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