KAGAWONG—Several Island communities have hosted events in honour of Earth Day, which was last Wednesday, April 22. Kagawong, led by volunteer members of the Billings Recreation Committee, will celebrate on Saturday, May 2.
“Celebrate Green Living,” shared Barbara Erskine, chair of the committee, “is an opportunity to recognize that we are surrounded by a wonderful natural environment. Our event this year is about doing what we can to take care of our natural living space.”
“Although we were hoping that our event would take place at the Park Centre in Kagawong, we have had some issues with frozen water pipes and will have to relocate to St John’s Anglican Church down by the waterfront,” said Ms. Erskine.
“This year’s Celebrate Green Living event takes an active approach to maintaining a healthy, local environment,” she continued. “The first half of the day will start at 9:30 am with a spring clean up of our outdoor spaces in the town. We will provide bags and the chair of the Waste Management Committee, Chris Theijsmeijer, will act as a ‘coach’ for recycling. Later, at about 10:30 am, we will encourage volunteers to join us to start a rehabilitation of a local public garden space near the Cedar Maze.”
“Public gardens,” shared Ms. Erskine, “are a way to beautify the town and look after green spaces.”
Everyone is encouraged to dress warm, wear rubber boots and bring gloves.
The second half of the day will focus on information sharing and socializing, said Ms. Erskine.
Beginning at 1 pm, Nancy Kains of the Manitoulin Nature Club will give some details about the upcoming BioBlitz to be hosted at Misery Bay Provincial Park on May 30.
The BioBlitz offers a great opportunity for Manitoulin residents to learn about the uniqueness and value of their natural environment while helping gather data about the health and well-being of various species of plants and animals, Ms. Erskine stated.
Following Ms. Kain’s talk, “everyone is welcome to enjoy a chat and sample coffee and various desserts (including cheesecake, carrot cake and squares) that members of the Rec Committee will be selling.”
“Funds raised,” said Ms. Erskine, “will go towards maintaining the Green Living events through the Billings Recreation Committee.”
Following the dessert social, Seija Deschenes, Manitoulin Steams co-coordinator, will speak about the Kagawong River mouth rehabilitation project.
“As we know,” shared Ms. Erskine, “Manitoulin Streams has been recognized as a leader in environmental rehabilitation and we are so fortunate to have Ms. Deschenes speak to us in more detail about this upcoming project.”
To wrap up the day, 4elements Living Arts, located at 91 Main Street, will be showing ‘Watermark’ at 7 pm. This film by Edward Burtynsky is free of charge.