TEHKUMMAH— A special service was held last month to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the end of the Korean War and the veterans who served in the war at the Tehkummah Cenotaph.

Korean war veterans Raymond Corbiere, Bill Martin and Rev. Red Butler were present for the ceremony. photos by Monique Barnes
Korean war veterans Raymond Corbiere, Bill Martin and Rev. Red Butler were present for the ceremony.
photos by Monique Barnes

The service commenced with a call of order by Comrade Bob Smith, followed by the singing of O Canada.

The opening prayer was led by Korean War veteran Rev Red Butler, after which Comrade Bob Smith gave a tribute to those who served.

Those in attendance heard that on June 25, 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea with over 2.5 million innocent lives lost.

“After three years of fierce fighting, armistice was signed on July 27, 1953,” said Comrade Smith. “A total of 26,791 Canadian soldiers fought during the Korean War and an additional 7,000 Canadian soldiers served during the UN Peacekeeping mission, while 516 Canadian soldiers were killed and missing in action and another 1,588 were wounded and 378 were buried in the Busan UN Cemetery in the Republic of Korea.”

“Today, 50 million South Koreans now enjoy freedom, peace and prosperity and Korea became the twelfth largest economic power in the world,” he continued. “All Canadians and 16 UN allied Korean War veterans are our personal heroes. My mother and grandparents were saved by the US merchant navy ship called ‘Meredith Victory’ along with 14,000 refugees and five babies called Kimchi 1,2,3,4,5 (nicknamed after the fermented cabbage food staple) born in the ship during Hungnam evacuation of Christmas Eve 1950. It is known as the ‘Ship of Miracles’ and this ship received the Guinness Book of World Records as ‘Gallant humanitarian rescue by a single ship in history.’ Without the Korean war veterans, my mother would not have been saved, I would not be born and living in this beautify country of Canada.”

The Sergeant Charles A Golden Silver Star Memorial Rifle Team was on had for the 60th anniversary Korea Day service.  Member of the rifle team in the above photograph are Paul Abbott, Greg Bois, Gary Trimmer and Wayne Golden.
The Sergeant Charles A Golden Silver Star Memorial Rifle Team was on had for the 60th anniversary Korea Day service.
Member of the rifle team in the above photograph are Paul Abbott, Greg Bois, Gary Trimmer and Wayne Golden.

Comrade Smith explained that Korean War veterans advocate to help to recognize Korean War,  not as just as the Korean conflict or ‘UN Police Action,’ working with the cabinet ministers and many Members of Parliament in 2003.

“We also helped to amend ‘Veterans Allowance Act’ benefiting 16 UN allied veterans of the Korean War and other allied national veterans of WWII in 2010.”

Following Mr. Smith’s tribute, the Last Post was played and the Reveille.

After the laying of the wreaths, Comrade Smith read the Act of Remembrance and Rev. Butler gave the closing prayer.

Comrade Richard Lynch gave the closing remarks and all present sang ‘God Save the Queen.’

A South Korean flag was donated to the Tehkummah Cenotaph by Hoo-Jung Jones-Kennedy.