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Island public speakers qualify for provincials


CALLENDAR—Two Manitoulin Island students qualified for the Royal Canadian Legion District provincial public speaking championships in Callendar (Royal Canadian Legion Branch 445) this past Saturday.

Patrick McCann, a Grade 2 student at Charles C. McLean Public School in Gore Bay (representing Branch 514 of the Western Manitoulin Royal Canadian Legion) with the topic ‘Being 7,’ and Manitoulin Secondary School student Alexis French in the Grade 10/11 division (representing Little Current Legion Branch 177) with the topic ‘Identity Theft,’ both took first place in the District H competition held in Callendar this past Saturday.

Ms. French told the Recorder, “my topic was on identity theft over the Internet. When I was younger I took a major in computers and technology and found there is so much out there in identity theft on the Internet. It is a huge problem. One of the things I cover in my speech is online purchases and how dangerous they can be.”

Mr. McCann provided a copy of his winning speech, which follows. “Patrick, come on upstairs!!! Patrick!!! Can you hear me? Come upstairs please, you’ve got chores to do! Honourable judges, ladies and gentlemen, fellow contestants, boys and girls. The life and times of being seven-years-old.”

“I’d like to say, I’m a pretty good kid but man…doesn’t seem like it’s all work and no play these days! I mean the responsibilities!!! This is a new word for me, not just to sound out but to actually have! Ree-spons-sa-bill-it-tees!!!…Responsibilities!!!” continued Mr. McCann. “If it’s not learning how to read, it’s learning how to tie your shoes. If it’s not doing homework, it’s doing chores. If it’s not eating your veggies, it’s eating everything else on your plate. Does it ever end?”

[pullquote]“All I want to do is play video games, construct something cool with my Legos and maybe even get outside and play—you know get dirty, build forts, climb trees!” continued Mr. McCann. “That’s it…seriously!”[/pullquote]

“I know, I know, you’re probably thinking, this kid probably doesn’t have it all that bad,” said Mr. McCann. “He has a few chores, his parents stay on top of his school work, and make sure he’s eating healthy…but ever since I turned seven, everything has been upgraded…and I don’t mean from PlayStation 3 to PlayStation 4!”

“The chores!! At one time, all I had to worry about was putting my laundry in the hamper and bringing my plate to the sink. Now I have to empty the dishwasher and put my own laundry away—folded!!! Can you imagine?” stated Mr. McCann. “And the homework!!! In kindergarten, all I had to worry about was printing my name and looking at picture books. Now I am reading real chapter books, adding and subtracting numbers and even colouring within the lines. Pheff.”

“Boy, we sure do grow up fast…But seriously, what is going to happen when I am 8? Can you imagine? Does it ever end? Ahhh,” added Mr. McCann.

The two Island students will be competing in the provincials being held May 3 in Ottawa.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Please see next week’s Recorder for Ms. French’s presentation.




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