Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Hogweed is a beautiful but dangerous invasive plant

Hogweed is a beautiful but dangerous invasive plant


Contacts with highway maintenance company EMCON fail to result in action

To the Expositor:

Hogweed is a beautiful looking plant when in bloom. It is also very dangerous. There is some in the ditch at the Manitoulin Golf course. Emcon Services of Sudbury was notified three weeks ago but as you can see when driving along the highways on the Island, they aren’t interested in Manitoulin Island.

The ditches are a disgrace.

When the Hogweed was in bloom, it stood about 6 feet tall and the bloom about four feet across. It is in seed now and you can see a large plant and four little ones around it. The birds and wind will carry the seeds. Next summer when every lawn on the Island has Hogweed growing on it, the children will pick a beautiful bouquet and put it on the kitchen table. In two days, they will scream from the blisters covering their body. Some will go blind and some might even die.

I wonder how many will say, “if only Emcon had gotten rid of the Hogweed!”

Darlene Orford

Spring Bay

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