MANITOWANING—The new High Falls pedestrian bridge is still closed to the public due to safety precautions but will be officially open very soon.
“We need to inform everyone that the High Falls bridge is not open to the public until safety precautions are in place,” said Assiginack Mayor Brenda Reid at an Assiginack township council meeting last week.
“It should be open and available to the public by the May long weekend,” said CAO Alton Hobbs, who pointed out a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new bridge will take place in June.
A township website post acknowledges, “High Falls Bridge is closed until proper safety precautions are put in place. We kindly ask you to stay off the bridge. The goal is to have it opened for the May long weekend. Thank you for your patience while we make the area safe for all viewers.”
“We have gates and fences around the gorge area of the bridge but not on the other side. Once everything is in place picnic tables will be installed adjacent to the bridge by (roads superintendent) Ron Cooper and the township public works department and in the future we may be able to plant native garden wildflowers in the picnic area,” said Mayor Reid. “Hopefully the bridge will be a nice drawing card for people to visit in the future.”