An aerial view of the bridge swinging on Haweater Weekend!Starting the morning off in a good way with Yoga on the Docks.Line dancing drew a number of Haweaters out to the street on Friday.Sydd and Jack (in back) and Avery and Owen show off the family’s 1970 Mustang at the Haweater Classic Car Cruise-In.The Wilkin Family were back in full glory with their annual float. The Expositor was happy to supply the paper maché paper supply.The country vibe was strong during the parade with the number of horses, wagons, tractors and trucks.The Little Current Lions Club and friends greet the crowd during the parade.Yee-haw! Candy for everyone during the Haweater parade.The Wilkin Family and their annual float.Firefighters are fun, especially when you put them in a parade.Ponies are perfect for a Haweater parade.Yee-Haw! Lots of horses and ponies were action during the parade.MP Carol Hughes and a Slovakian ambassador.Island youth had a blast at the lazer tag at the NEMI rec centre.The upstairs in the NEMI rec centre makes a great place to run around and play tag!Clayton makes a mad dash to the next barrel at the Haweater Weekend horse show.United Church Rev. Whitney Bruno had an innovative approach to the ecumenical service on Sunday morning.The cardboard boat race always brings lots of smiles and laughter to Haweater Weekend.Sean Toope and Xavier Coleman won the coveted business category on behalf of Breakaway Sports and Cycle.Kids rocking with Captain Arrgghh of the Thinking Caps.Adults rocking out to the family music of The Thinking Caps.Manitoulin Brewing Company was on hand to host live entertainment and sell adult beverages on Saturday.These ladies made a pit stop for a cool refreshment during a busy Haweater weekend.Elijah and the Backburners were a hit at the Manitoulin Brewing Company beer tent in downtown Little Current.Pynx Productions was spinning the hits on Sunday night.Move aside mom, let me show you how it’s done! Haweater children take over the street with their moves.The street was filled by time Sunday rolled around.Fireworks are always the perfect finish for Haweater weekend.