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Gore Bay’s Mayor Report

Ron Lane, Mayor of Gore Bay

The first year of the term of this council was a busy one and I would like to reflect back on some of the things that were accomplished by council in 2015 and some plans in the works for 2016.

Even though Gore Bay is a small town we have a significant inventory of public assets including our public buildings, streets, sidewalks, water/sewer works, marina and public works equipment. These items are all crucial to the operation of the town and as such require constant attention.

Every year a large part of our budget is dedicated to improvements to our public facilities and maintenance of our streets and sidewalks. This past year saw the completion of a 600 foot stone breakwall constructed at the end of Purvis Dr. (Fish Point) that will protect our marina. This marina is used by both residents and visitors and the net profits from its operations are used to fund other town services. The construction cost of this breakwall was fully funded by grants and donations and not by local taxes.

Like a community hall, an arena is the heart and soul of any small community. Our arena has seen significant upgrades in the past few years but it is an old building and is still in need of repairs and upgraded operating equipment. This past year saw the acquisition of a newer ice resurfacer machine and repairs to the ice making plant. In 2016 we plan to replace all of the exterior doors and windows and improve accessibility for persons with disabilities.

Another building which will likely receive repairs and upgrades this year will be the municipal office building which houses the town administration, council chambers and public library. Although this building has served the town well, it is heavily used by the public and has not seen any significant attention for several years.

In addition to badly needed interior upgrades, the basement is prone to flooding and in order to preserve the structural integrity of the building this must be corrected. In addition to this work, council has acquired vacant land lying to the south and adjacent to the municipal office upon which will be constructed a new public parking lot. Extra parking in this area is badly needed not only to service the municipal office complex but also Millsite Apartments and off street parking for local businesses.

With respect to our streets and sidewalks, council now has an asset management plan in place which is a long term plan that will see maintenance and improvements done on a priority basis. This past year saw new paving on Dawson Street and Gore Street plus areas where new culverts and water line upgrades took place.

A new large culvert was installed at the creek crossing Water Street. This area has been prone to flooding in the past and we need to be sure this does not happen again. In addition, the sidewalk leading from the Agnes Street corner to the public school was replaced. We have applied for government infrastructure funding to assist us to conduct a major re-construction of Phipps Street and the water lines that lie beneath it.

Another project which started late in the year and which will be continued in 2016 is the creation of a walking trail from the end of the boardwalk on the east side of the bay and leading to the Harold Noble Park Lookout on the East Bluff. Once complete, Gore Bay will be able to offer a walking experience from the tip of the newly constructed break wall, which sits 600 feet out in the water, to the part at the very top of the bluff overlooking the town. The Harold Noble Park offers a magnificent view of Gore Bay and areas west including the North Channel.

On the economic aspect of things, 2015 was a banner year that saw the opening of four new businesses in Gore Bay. This included three retail businesses on the main street plus a new brewery at the waterfront. In addition, the Sears outlet and bottle return depot were relocated and reopened. The boat yard down at the waterfront is getting busier every year and 2015 saw the construction of a large storage building.

From a community perspective, 2015 was a very special year for Gore Bay in that it was the 125th anniversary of its incorporation as a town and the 145th anniversary of its existence as a community. Although being blessed with a natural harbor and a central location on Manitoulin contributed to a town being located here, it was the hard work and dedication of those early citizens that laid the foundation for what we enjoy today. To celebrate this very important milestone in our history, council through its 125th anniversary committee, organized several special events throughout the year.

These included an open house on April 7 which marked 125 years to the day that Gore Bay officially became a town via an act of the provincial legislature. This was followed by a roaring ’20s dinner/dance at the end of May with music supplied by the Manitoulin Swing Band.

Canada Day on July 1 saw a long list of events including one of the largest parades the town has ever seen and fireworks at night.

To round out the celebrations a party with an evening of family events and fun was held at the curling club on New Year’s Eve with fireworks at midnight to bring in 2016. It takes a lot of time and effort by many people to plan and execute events such as these and on behalf of council I would like to thank everyone that helped in any way with these events plus the many, many people from Gore Bay and beyond that attended and made them so successful.

As council moves into 2016 the first order of business will be to establish a budget for this year for the funding of town operations and projects. We hope to bring this to council for final approval in March, and an opportunity for public input will be provided at that time. In addition, council will be finalizing a strategic plan for the town which will lay out plans and priorities for the next five years. A draft of this will be provided later in the year for public input prior to council approving it.

As mayor, I look forward to working with council and its committees, town staff and all of our citizens this year and for the remainder of the term of this council. Throughout the year you can obtain information regarding town activities on our website at and on my facebook page, Mayor Town of Gore Bay.

So once again, I am pleased to provide you with this report. And remember, your comments and suggestions are valued and appreciated.

Article written by

Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff