Home News Local Gore Bay marina closure will mean significant loss in revenue

Gore Bay marina closure will mean significant loss in revenue


GORE BAY – With marinas and docks having been closed throughout the province of Ontario due to COVID-19, the Town of Gore Bay, along with other municipalities, will see a significant decrease in its annual revenues for the year.

“We already know the government has closed all marinas and docks, except for gas services,” said Gore Bay Mayor Dan Osborne at a council meeting last week. “We’re looking to get the message out that the marina is going to be closed until further notice.”

Town Clerk Stasia Carr pointed out the town office has already “had tons of boaters calling. Not being able to open the marina this year will have a huge impact on the town’s finances,” she said, pointing out the town had revenues of $169,070 from the marina last year (which projects to about 10 percent of the town’s budget). It will be a huge loss.”
“It is beyond our control,” stated Councillor Ken Blodgett, who also owns and operates Canadian Yacht Charters (CYC). “Marinas are not open throughout the province until further notice. Not our choice.” 

“It will be a big hit on the town, but we don’t have much choice,” said Councillor Patricia Bailey.

Councillor Paulie Nodecker asked whether gas service will still be provided by the town even during the marina closure. 

Mayor Osborne noted that providing gas services at the marinas for boaters is an essential service. “If a boater comes in and needs gas we won’t turn them away.” 

It will be basically the same system as is used in the fall, said Councillor Blodgett. “There will be a number that boaters can call, and then we will have someone (from the town) available to provide gas.

“The minute we can open the marina we will. For us to lose this much in revenue would be a big hit,” said Mayor Osborne. 

“And we will have to get the message to our regular clientele; a lot of American boaters may not be able to come here this summer,” said Councillor Nodecker.

Council passed a motion that the marina will and the launch ramp will be closed until further notice. 


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