Home Columns Gore Bay Curling Club hosts 35th annual curffle event

Gore Bay Curling Club hosts 35th annual curffle event


by Tom Sasvari

GORE BAY—The Sherry Forest and Heather Hall team were the winners of the first event at the 35th annual curffle event held at the Gore Bay Curling Club this past weekend.

“Sherry and I have been doing this for a while now (winning the event for the fourth time this year, the previous time in 2005). I don’t know if we can do this again in 18 years,” said Ms. Hall. “As usual the weekend was great,” she said praising the bar and kitchen staff and Dan Marois, president of the club. 

The runner-up in the first event was the team of Mark Merrylees and his 12-year-old nephew Joseph Merrylees. 

The second event saw the Drew Purvis and Kevin Bushey team win the final over the team of Gord and Sherri Loutitt.

In the third event the team of Al Lanktree and Kennedy Lanktree (who was filling in for Kyra Lanktree) won the final game, defeating the team of Brooklyn Clark and Wyatt Dearing in the final.

Hye and Holly Clark were master of ceremonies for the awards presentations. “As is traditional for curffle, we would like everyone to turn to their left, and then turn to their right and acknowledge the person beside you. It is all of you that make curffle a success,” said Mr. Clark.

“Everyone knows that none of this happens without a lot of people’s help,” said Mr. Clark. 

“We would like to thank Dan Marois and the bar staff, Kim Orford and her kitchen staff, and all the designated drivers who got everyone home safely over the weekend,” said Ms. Clark. “Jill Patterson makes all the wines for curffle prizes and our dad Bill Clark draws the poster board (games schedule for the weekend).”

“We had a lot of new players this year, which is great,” said Ms. Clark. “We want to thank everyone for participating.”

Peggy Clark pointed out that Joseph Merrylees, “is the only 12-year-old who has been in the first event in the 35 years this event has been held. Be proud of yourself, Joseph. You were awesome.

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