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Gore Bay council notes


GORE BAY—The Town of Gore Bay is seeking funding for phase two of its marina project, which is estimated to be over $3.3 million dollars.

“I had asked Stasia (Carr, town clerk) to contact both FedNor and NOHFC (Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation) about funding applications for the marina project,” said Gore Bay Mayor Ron Lane, at a council meeting last week.

Mayor Lane explained if the town received funding this year, it could be used for construction of the marina phase two next year.

The estimated cost, “has doubled,” said Mayor Lane, who pointed out, “our (town) share of the costs would be 25 percent. We have monies on hand for our share of the project.”

In the marina phase two, “we would be creating a new set of docks on the east point of Fish Point,” continued Mayor Lane.

Council gave its approval to a recommendation from the public works and properties committee, “that we recommend council approves the new cost estimate of approximately $3,372,000 and the municipal portion in the amount of 25 percent for phase two of the marina project and proceed with applying for funding through FedNor and NOHFC.”

Proposed subdivision approved

Council has given its approval in principle to a proposed plan of subdivision for residential lots on the former Fraser property on Water Street.

At last week’s meeting council considered a recommendation, “to approve in principle the proposed plan of subdivision for 11 residential lots on the former Fraser property on Water Street to permit the new subdivision to be accessed from Thorburn Street to permit the new street in the development to be less than 66 feet in width and to connect water and sewer services off of Water Street, subject to a review of the capacity of the sewer pump lift station in front of the Harbour Centre.”

“This is the proposed subdivision on property Martian Properties owns,” said Mayor Lane. “They are proposing the development of 11 residential properties which will be serviced through Thorburn Street with the water-sewer from the water treatment plan.”

“It will be a while before this project is on stream,” said Mayor Lane.

It was pointed out having a new 11-unit subdivision will support the town tax base, and it was pointed out the service to each property would be developed at the owner’s expense.

Harbour View Pavilion rental rates established

A per day rental rate for the new Harbour View Pavilion has been recommended to and accepted by council.

“People are wanting to rent out the pavilion, which is good,” said Mayor Lane. “So, there is a recommendation to council for consideration of per day rentals.”

The recommendation from the town general government committee for council’s consideration was to set a rental rate of $400 plus HST (including the kitchen), and a rate of $200 plus HST per day excluding the kitchen for rental of the Harbour View Pavilion.

Council approved the recommendation.

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