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Friends and Neighbours


Providence Bay
Alexia Hannigan

Hello my grasshoppers and showstoppers! Alexia here with your friendly fly!

Can you feel it? Summer is slipping away like a unicorn pool float on a windy day. Most of the events, festivals and celebrations of summer have come to pass but hooray, we’re all “back in the saddle” for a big finish and throwdown this weekend at the 2024 Providence Bay Fair and then it’s back to business with the back-to-school hubbub, 

fall and winter sports and “Silly Season” fandango. Fear not my friends! There are still many warm and wonderful days ahead and plenty of things to keep us busy. Woot- woot, neigh-neigh, ding-ding-ding-yee-haw-berry-booyah, we made it! Time to have some serious fun. So, kick up your boots, throw your hats in the air see, you all at the 2024

Providence Bay Fair!

Here’s what’s happening: Prov Bay Arena and Fairgrounds: Providence Bay Fair weekend is here! August 16 to 18. “Back in the Saddle” theme, see you at the Fair! Lone Pine Stage: bring your own chair! Saturday, August 17, Entertainment Line Up: gates open at 6 pm; Side-car Willy and the Mojo Kings, 7 pm; Nate Haller 8:45 pm; Jade Eagleson (CCMA Entertainer of the Year) 10 pm. Providence Bay welcome you! Tickets online or at the gate until 8 pm.

See the centre-page spread in this week’s paper for all the details!

Summer Fun: resumes after fair weekend preregistered programs daily Monday to Friday, July through August, 

8 am to 4 pm. Remember to save your spot by 4 pm the day prior via centralmanitoulin.ca.

Friday Family Rec Nite cancelled August 16 continues August 23.

Drop-in and play pickleball, badminton, basketball, cornhole, ping-pong and air hockey with friends, family and neighbours. All ages welcome.

Lions Club Bottle Drive: Drop off your empties next to the arena for a good cause, this helps keep our Township clean and helps us give back to the community.

PB/SP Pancake Breakfast at the Prov Bay Hall on Saturday, August 17 from 8 to 11 am. 

Providence Bay Hall: Central Manitoulin Beachside Market

featuring local bakers, foodies and fun continues Thursdays through August from 11 am to 3 pm. Contact Central Manitoulin for vendor information and details.

Providence Bay Beach Boardwalk and Discovery Centre:

Sunset Music Series continues this weekend Friday and Saturday 6:30 to 9 pm.

Check the Huron Island Time Facebook page or Sunset Music Series online for the full musical lineup. Be sure to bring a chair or blanket and enjoy the shows!

The Discovery Centre is filled with wonders and teachings of our elders and locally trained experts, drop by to learn about the incredible biodiversity of our Island’s ecosystem. Next events: Wednesday, August 14 from 10:30 am to 12 noon. 

Plant Life Spotting, Wednesday, August 21 from 10:30 am to 12 pm.

Fun Beach Games, Huron Island Time is busier than ever! Be sure to ask Lance and crew about their awesome ice cream flavours and sweet and savory food! Stroll along the beach and boardwalk, take a dip or a wade in the warm waters of Lake Huron or the Mindemoya River. Make memories, snap selfies and enjoy the beautiful scenery, music and views! Be sure to visit the local eateries for great food, great inspiration and good company. You will meet a lot of locals here and there and perhaps meet some local artists as well.

Dear beachcombers, visitors, friends and neighbours: please keep our beaches clean and safe by using the blue bins all along the boardwalk.

Drop-in classes available for vacationers and summer residents.

Providence Bay Community of Christ Peace Church, 80 McNevin Street, Youth Group resumes Wednesday, August 21. Sunday Communion 11 am (TBA).

Saturday, August 17 quilting demo and backpack program donations.

And a Big Boat horn hoot, salute and happy half-century to our Ontario ferry, the Chi-Cheemaun.

Team Fergmeijer

Billings residents are well-known for their sense of humour. How else do you explain their tolerance for this community column all these years? Of course, we think our jokes are fantastic, but if you are interested in measuring the quality of our puns in a more scientific way, all you need is a sighsmograph! 

If you are strolling the river trail or stop in at the falls this week, you will notice some new signage has been installed. It is meant as a gentle reminder to locals and visitors that things like stacking rocks, building rock walls or dams in the river or falls pool, as well as disturbing the spawning fish, are all harmful to the overall health of the natural systems and should be avoided. The best policy is to leave no trace. 

Our Manitoulin Mom was telling us that she saw an audiologist yesterday but was unimpressed with him, so she’s going to get a second opinion. She just can’t imagine why on earth she would need a heron egg.

As of the writing of this column, Billings township has issued a partial fire ban for the region. Campfires and fireworks are still permitted as long as you use extreme caution. Other forms of open fire are not allowed. For up-to-date information visit the town’s website or Facebook page. 

Happy 29th birthday to Bonnie F who may or may not have reached the age where your back goes out more than you do. 

Welcome to Frank and Margaret who are visiting Kagawong this week from down south. We know which half of Team Fergmeijer is your favourite, but we are both very happy you are here!

Struck by inspiration? The township is still accepting name suggestions for the Kagawong covered rink. Proposed names are being accepted at the town office until the end of this month. Check the township’s website or Facebook page for more information. 

Did you hear about the woman who put snakes in her hair to cure migraines? Yeah, turns out it’s oddly Medusinal.

This township has a surprising number of things that need naming (the covered rink, the new tractor, the market/picnic pavilion, and the new bridge across the river). In an effort to celebrate all new structures in Kagawong, we are still taking suggestions for our completely informal, not-affiliated-with-the-township, and unlikely to get approval, naming competition (which really should have a name…). Email fergmeijer@gmail.com and let us know your ideas for any of the nameless entities!

We may be halfway through August (waaaah!), but there’s still plenty of market left! Come down into the village and make your way to the rink area Wednesday from 10 am until 3 pm to check out the over 70 regular vendors at the Kagawong Market.

We were going to include a joke about a dead parrot in the column this week, but it was a bit too macawbre. Have a great week!

Meldrum Bay
Elaine Bradley

The annual beef barbecue was a great success. I found the dinner delicious. They served beef, potatoes, large green salad, fresh corn on the cob and strawberries with ice cream. There were tables outside displaying items for sale. I bought a sweatshirt from the Meldrum Bay Store’s display. People could eat inside or outside. They had a game for the children to enjoy. When it was over, there were still groups of people standing around visiting and enjoying themselves.

The docks and campgrounds were very busy over the long weekend and some of the campers and boaters enjoyed the dinner as well. One boater told me he had a great time just watching the beef being barbecued on the spit and talking to everyone involved.

Kits and Quilts had their workday on Tuesday. The main organizer missed it due to driving me to an appointment in Sudbury.  But someone else stood in for her. Thank you! They have lots of batting for making more quilts to provide for disaster relief.

Wednesday was a big day. There was a picnic on the south shore. It’s a bit remote and very beautiful. There was lots of food, as well as hiking, kayaking and swimming. It was a great way to spend the day and get together to have fun.

On Thursday I went to physio in M’Chigeeng and met my cousin there. She was having physio as well. Too bad we both needed physio (they have been a great help) but it was nice to meet and have a chat.

Friday night is cards at the Meldrum Bay Community Hall. I don’t have scores for you but should have them for next week.

Barrie Island
Lillian Greenman

Our daughter, Lynn Calback and her cat Gabe went  back to her home in Seguin on Thursday.

Our daughter, Tania Atwood and her husband Bruce and their dog Maisie came from Whitby to visit her parents on Friday and are staying until this Friday for a holiday.

On Sunday, Derek Atwood and his wife Stephanie came for a surprise visit to help his parents’ Tania and Bruce celebrate his grandparent’s Ashton and Nina Calback’s 65th wedding anniversary early. They prepared a lovely, delicious dinner for all. Ashton and Nina’s anniversary was on August 8, 2024. Derek and Stephanie are expecting their first child any day now, so they had to go back home to Val Caron that evening. Our whole family is anxiously waiting for their baby to be born which can be anytime soon. We sure enjoyed our surprise visitors and had a delightful time together.

George and Carolyn Calback have their daughter Joyce, her husband Rob Rogers from Hamilton and their daughter Skylar, her children Sophie and Evelyn visiting this week.

Fiona Miller, husband Ben Perry and child Griffin Miller-Perry visited with the Runnalls’ family on Julia Bay and at Grandview Farms for a week over the long weekend. Moya Miller, husband Jeff Rothwell and children Lucy and Olivia also visited at Grandview Farms and at Julia Bay over the August long weekend.

The 34 tour de Barrie Island was held on Saturday, July 3 with a 1 pm start. Alison Godwin and Ethel Jeffkins were in charge and 25 people of all ages rode bicycles and enjoyed a swim at Rocky Lane Hideaway. Three Sandhill cranes were spotted. 30 people enjoyed a potluck dinner at the community hall.

Silver Water
Karen Noble

Albert Meijer and I went to Gore Bay on Friday morning, August 2 to the Gore Bay Street Market and Café. The ladies from the Anglican Church were providing the treats and coffee.

Friday evening, I invited Myra and Kate Duncanson, Tom and Linda Rumley and Murray Duncanson for six-handed euchre at our house. One team had twice the points as the other in the end. 

Friday night there was no euchre in Meldrum Bay so the hall could be set up for their beef barbecue on Saturday. I was told they had a good crowd at their yard sale in the afternoon and supper in the evening.

Brenda Carter, Albert and I spent Saturday in Gore Bay. We worked for Norm Morrell at the auction for Joe Baker. There was a very large crowd and lots of items for bid. We left there at 4:45 pm and went to the Watersedge for supper. 

Tuesday morning was garbage pickup in Robinson Township. I had quite a few people previous week tell me that their garbage had not been picked up for one or more weeks. I made a list and went over it with the driver while he was in our driveway. I understand all the ones on the list got picked up. Please let me know if there are others having issues. We have had four different drivers on our run since the full-time man retired over a year ago and it has been a challenge.

On Tuesday Albert and I went to the Kits and Quilts in Meldrum Bay. There were quite a few people helping with the projects and everyone is welcome to join us on Tuesday, August 20.

Colleen and Eric Julseth spent last weekend in Southern Ontario house sitting for friends. They arrived home on Tuesday.

Clarke, Heather, Ethan and Aiden Duncanson were at his parents’ home for the weekend and went home on Tuesday morning.

Rick and Diane Kling visited his brother Jim and Patsy at their cottage last week. Gladys Duncanson and I had a short visit with them while having our swim on Wednesday.

Kate Duncanson was here for the long weekend at her mother, Myra’s house. She had a visit with lots of family and friends in Meldrum Bay on Saturday. On Sunday, she attended the wedding of Danielle McVey in Kagawong where she saw several people she knew from school.

Rebecca Bender was visiting in Silver Water on August 4.

I had a phone visit with Jake from the Lone Pine Hunt Club on Thursday. He and a large group have been on vacation at their camp.

During the last several weeks, our washing machine had been making an increasingly loud noise as if something had come loose. On Thursday, it was really loud near the end of the cycle. Albert took the machine apart and found a crochet hook under the drum. We will never know how it got there but it sure is banged up.

Someone sent a text to my landline from a phone number ending in 6917. Could the person please telephone me instead? The text to landline does not work well.

Happy 22nd birthday to Larissa Chevrette on August 7. She leaves soon to return to Trent University for her fourth year.

Condolences to the family of Sheila Slomke.

Condolences to the family of Tom Foster.

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