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Team Fergmeijer

Much lesser known than the dog days of summer, we currently find ourselves in the cat days of winter: those days where you just want to curl up for a nap by the fire. That’s right – winter is here weather you like it or not. Be that as it sleigh, Team Fergmeijer’s got your back with all the goings-on in Kagawong. It’s a big task, but with great powder comes great responsibility. Stick with us, and after all is sled and done you’ll find yourself walking in a winter pun-derland!

At time of writing, the outdoor rink is not yet open for skating, although volunteers have been hard at work flooding the surface. Keep an eye on the Kagawong Outdoor Recreational Facility Facebook page for updates!

The township has a vacant seat on council and they are looking to appoint a new councillor. The public is invited to apply for the position between January 10th and 31st. Full application details can be found on the township website, but here are the basic requirements: interested parties must be 18 years old, a Canadian citizen, a resident of Billings Township (or owner/tenant of land in the township). If you are looking to get involved and make a difference, contact the town office (705-282-2611) for more information.

Happy birthday to Lisa L who is turning 29 next week. It’s important to remember that birthdays are really just nature’s way of encouraging us to eat more cake, so be sure to indulge on your big day!

It seems impuzzible, but it has been a year since the last puzzle swap at the library. Be sure to get yourself together to fit a stop at the library into your schedule on Saturday January 27th from 10-1pm. If you miss this year’s swap, we’ll give you a piece of our mind! Celebrate National Puzzle Month by bringing the jigsaw puzzles of your past to trade for the jigsaw puzzles of your future! In related news, a friend of ours emailed us to say she was going crazy looking for the piece she is missing from her 2000-piece puzzle. We can totally understand: we’re missing 1999 pieces from ours.

Remember that time that person turned 29 years old? Or the time the township celebrated that special event? Want to see if Team Fergmeijer ever doubles up on their puns? Catch up on old times with the complete archive of Team Fergmeijer columns, all the way back to 2015! Check out to get your fill of puns and haiku.

Team Fergmeijer had a really heavy table to move and we were afraid of scratching the wood floors, so we called the local weather station to see if they could send us forecasters. Have a great week!

Meldrum Bay
Elaine Bradley

It’s nice to be back, writing the column, after being away. Just after my last column there was a baby shower in Meldrum at the hall. It was very well attended. The meal was provided by a good friend of the mother-to-be from Stop 540 and it was nice that the young mothers that live around here brought their children. Now that baby has been born, and we have a new resident in Meldrum. Bear Dawson Vanderform was born December 29, 2023 at 11:58 at 4lbs 8oz and 16.5 inches. His delighted parents are Mike and Amanda Vanderform. His ecstatic grandmother is Diane Jones. Congratulations to the whole family. Diane says that he is doing great.

Linette and Lorne would like to announce their new additions. They have two new puppies, Spirit and Guiness. They are keeping the pet pig, Lola, company.

We’ve had a lot of snow and there’s more coming. The snow ploughs have been doing a really great job keeping things under control. I am sure that all the snowmobilers are delighted. I saw some snowshoe tracks on the trail across from us, but I have not seen any snowmobiles out yet.

Every Friday night is Euchre at the hall. On January 5 there were two- and three-quarter tables. High lady was Lois Wismer with 71; high man was Murray Duncanson, who won the money jar with 85 points; Myra Duncanson had four lone hands for the ladies; Sara-Lynn Arnot had five lone hands for the men; most euchres went to Lisa Townsend with 15; the juice was won by Myra Duncanson.

Rose Van Every, Mildred Kelly and Bob Benedict left to go south to visit family and have finally returned home. The trip home went well, the weather and the roads were in their favour. They had a terrific time with family, friends and old neighbours. They are glad to be home and we are glad to have them back.

Meldrum Bay is starting to plan for the Winter Fun Day in February. Be prepared to come and have a great time.

Silver Water
Karen Noble

Anne Boyd had a visit from her niece, Anne Marriott, and her husband David Wunker for a few days before they went home on New Year’s Day.

Albert Meijer and I went to Gore Bay on Friday morning. We took our niece, Larissa Chevrette back to her house. We took the loaner car back to McQuarrie’s and picked up our car with its new parts related to the power steering issue. We had an appointment with BMO. We got invited to have lunch at the Water’s Edge. The restaurant was very busy, including our group of 14.

Euchre resumed in Meldrum Bay on Friday, January 5. Murray Duncanson won the money jar.

Sunday, January 7, 12 people from the West End travelled to Tehkummah to play in their euchre tournament. Donna Kay McDonald brought home the 50/50 prize.

Monday, January 8, there was chair yoga in the afternoon at the Silver Water Community Hall.

The recycle bins were open from 1 to 2 pm. There were 20 households out. Thank you to everyone who brought their pop cans and liquor containers. We have almost reached our goal for the food bank and then we will switch the fundraising recipient.

In the evening, line dancing started at the hall. It will continue on Monday evenings. Chair yoga will be moved to Tuesday afternoon.

Monday evening, seven of us went to play euchre at the Burpee and Mills Complex. There were seven full tables.

Tuesday, Albert and I went to Gore Bay for hair appointments and an oil change at McQuarrie’s.

Fire practice was postponed to Wednesday night due to the weather on Tuesday. We got close to a foot of snow at our house. Others reported various amounts.

Thursday, January 11 there was euchre at the Silver Water Community Hall.

Happy birthday to Anne Boyd on January 24.

Condolences to the family of Fred Willan.

Condolences to the family of Gary Chandler.

Condolences to the family of Phillip Morris.

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff
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