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Friends and Neighbours

friends and neighbours

Team Fergmeijer

Kagawong was hopping with ghosts and goblins on Tuesday as they made the rounds to homes and businesses taking the opportunity to eat, drink and be scary. Team Fergmeijer was pleased to see so many stop in to visit, but no one has called us since. We’re a bit concerned that we’ve been ghosted.

The Kagawong Cenotaph Board is once again presenting a Remembrance Day service on Saturday, November 11 at 11 am at the Kagawong Park Centre. All are welcome to join Dr. Suzanne Evans, author of “A Taste of Longing,” which highlights the experiences of Manitoulin Island’s Ethel Mulvany and her time as a prisoner of war in Singapore during WW2. A documentary film crew will be in attendance as they explore her life. Potluck lunch (finger foods only) to follow, silver collection appreciated.

All aboard!! The Manitoulin Secondary School Musical Theatre Program invites you to “The Emerald Heist” dinner theatre experience on Friday, November 10 and Saturday, November 11. The killer has covered their tracks well and the truth is hidden in train sight. Join your fellow passengers in the dining car as you enjoy a delicious three-course dinner and work to unravel whodunit. Work together to keep the evening from going off the rails while you determine the criminal’s loco-motive. Email fergusj@rainbowschools.ca for more information, or purchase your tickets online at www.ticketspice.com/emeraldheist

November is a busy month in Billings! The next Island Wide Waste Management meeting is coming up on Tuesday, November 14 at 7 pm at the Kagawong Park Centre. Everyone is welcome.

Shortly after that, the annual Christmas in Kagawong market will be Friday, November 17 and Saturday, November 18, also at the Park Centre. Stop by and get everything from stocking stuffers to unique, meaningful gifts created by local craftspeople.

And don’t forget about the Billings Library’s annual silent auction Thursday, November 23 to Sunday, November 26. Join the auction Facebook group (FB.com/groups/libraryauction) to see some sneak peeks of the items that will be up for grabs and to be ready to bid when the auction starts!

Finally, save the date for the annual Kagawong Community Christmas Concert! Saturday, December 2 at the ever-versatile Park Centre. We are looking for acts to fill the ranks and are very open-minded when it comes to talent: skits, songs, recitations, jokes, juggling, sword swallowing… we are keen to see it all! Contact fergmeijer@gmail.com if you would like to take part.

We figure birthday wishes should be like a good party dress. Long enough to cover the important bits, but short enough to hold people’s interest. So happy birthday to Gail L who turns 29 this weekend and a happy belated birthday to Diane N who we are sure is slowly recovering from her big day last week.

Go figure! Skating, that is… If you are interested in volunteering to help maintain the community rink this winter, please contact Tiana at the town office (tmills@billingstwp.ca).

Deer season is just around the corner! Which made us wonder, do poltergeists need a haunting licence? Have a great week!

Meldrum Bay
Elaine Bradley

Happy rainy Thursday, it sure was wet. But we needed the rain. I have been picking kale from the garden and drying it to make greens for over the winter. My husband has been helping me and he dislikes anything that is the colour green.

Last Friday, October 20 at cards we had three tables. Lois Wismer was high lady with 74 points; high man was Elaine Bradley with 77 points. You needed 82 points to win the money jar, so it is safe for another week. Ladies’ lone hands went to Karen Noble with four; men’s lone hands went to Bob Benedict with two; most euchres were won by Murray Duncanson with nine; Karen Noble took home the juice.

The work on the cribbing and docks on the north side of the marina has now been finished. Our contractor also worked hard on repairs to the boardwalk on the south side as well. He leveled the boardwalk and replaced the decking on a 100-foot section. The docks are now put away for the winter, safe from the ravages of wind and ice.

We have several meetings going on right now. There was a church music meeting in Mindemoya which I went to. We also had a Roads Board meeting and a Local Services Board meeting this weekend. Thanks to everyone who works hard to make our community a great place to live. Thanks also to the store, they willingly take wish lists and stock their shelves accordingly.

Hunting season starts soon and one can feel the excitement mounting.

Have a great week everyone.

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