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Friends and Neighbours

Friends and neighbours


A friend of Team Fergmeijer (aka a FOTF) let us know that they had just started dating a firefighter. She was very excited to tell us about her new flame. She said that although he was a bit of a hot-head, there were definitely sparks flying between them right off the bat. We didn’t want to put her in the hotseat, but we were very curious about this new man. We had a lot of questions, like what bugs him most in the summertime (fireflies), if he had ever been interviewed on tv (we wondered if he was flamous), and if he enjoyed his job (he got very fired up at this one; turns out he has a burning passion for firefighting). Boy, are we on fire with these flaming hot puns! We thought they would be a surefire way to light up your day.

We would like to wish a very Happy 29th birthday to Mike Z, Amy H, Diane L, Amanda G and Susan S. Can you believe we used to think people our age were adults and had their life in order?

The Billings Township Library would like to thank everyone who came out to the beach movie last weekend. You were a fun and enthusiastic crowd! If anyone has suggestions for next year’s beach movie, email billingsreads@gmail.com.

The library is wrapping up its summer hours this week. Thursday, August 31 is the last day of summer hours. On Saturday, September 2 regular hours begin again (Tuesdays to Thursdays, 4 to 7 pm and Saturdays, 10 am to 1 pm). Many thanks to summer librarian Emily who kept the place running like clockwork. Local bibliophile Jamie Ward was overheard saying, “I really appreciate that Emily runs things by the book, yo!”

Manitoulin Secondary School is hosting a Grade 9 barbecue on Wednesday, August 30. Incoming Grade 9 students can attend to pick up their timetables, get tours of the school, get their lockers set up and meet some of their teachers. The event is free. Contact the school for more information. First day of classes, for both elementary and secondary schools, will be Wednesday, September 6.

Island daredevil Hailey F attended Camp Molly in Azilda last week. The four-day camp gives young women in Grades 11 and 12 an inside look at a career in fire and emergency services. They took part in a series of activities based on Firefighter Level one training, such as fire investigation and fire dynamics, medical scenarios, auto extrication, firefighter survival and forcible entry and more. Hailey kicked butt and took names; she and her teammates beat the volunteer firefighter organizer team by a whole half-second in the challenge obstacle course on the last day.

If you are a LEGO fan, you may be familiar with Andrew T and his summer business – Island reBrick – that he ran at the Kagawong market this year. Andrew launched his business as part of the Summer Company 2023 program, which provides training, experience and networking for young entrepreneurs. Last week, Andrew was honoured, along with seven other local youth, with a certificate of achievement from the Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade. Congratulations!

Speaking of the market, the last Kagawong Market of the 2023 season will be Wednesday, September 6 (from 10 am to 3 pm), so it’s not too late to peruse the many vendors showcasing amazing, creative, delicious and practical things, all at the covered rink beside the Park Centre.

The township is requesting proposals for a five-year comprehensive strategic plan, as well as a corporate website. Interested? For more information on the request for proposals, check out the township website at billingstwp.ca, or contact Emily Dance, CAO/clerk at edance@billingstwp.ca.

Body Stories Dance Instruction is offering dance classes at the Park Centre in Kagawong this fall for ages five through adult. Check out their fall schedule for more information, or to register: https://www.bodystoriesdance.com/schedule#schedule

4elements Living Arts has announced the return of the annual Elemental Festival, September 23 and 24 this year. The festival celebrates the beauty, bounty and history of Mnidoo Mnising. There will be singing, dancing, artistic workshops and a new dinner and performance event with chefs and performers collaborating to highlight the delicious bounty grown here on Manitoulin. Visit the festival Facebook page for more information.

We’re not entirely sure who invented fire, but they were probably a really bright spark. Have a great week!

Meldrum Bay

Last weekend the hall was busy and there was no euchre game. Last Friday, August 25 there was euchre at the hall at 7:30 pm.

Friday August 19 there was a Celebration of Life for Mike Steele. He had been the fire chief in Gore Bay in the past. There was a bell ceremony and a Firefighter Honour Guard. Representatives from the various fire departments on the Island attended. About 55 were in attendance and the ladies from the UCW did a wonderful job providing the lunch. The Steele family have been important, loved members of the community. We appreciate the hard work that Anne Steele Giffin has been putting into projects in Meldrum Bay. Our sympathies go out to Steele family.

Saturday, Wendy and John Van Every’s daughter and son-in-law Liz and Ory Menzies celebrated their 10th anniversary. We remember their wedding with pictures on the marina breakwall and the ceremony at the house. The family home had been fixed up for the occasion and it was a major event.  Now, 10 years later, they had a roast beef dinner at the hall, recreating their wedding dinner. Friends and relatives and many children attended. There were about 40 adults there as well as children. Congratulations to Liz and Ory.

Sunday there will be a potluck at the hall. After the potluck we will have a service at the church. I am sure there will be lots of good food and lots of visiting as neighbours get together for a fun evening.

Work is starting on repairs that were needed at the waterfront. It will be nice to see the shoreline that had eroded with past high-water levels repaired and new docks installed. It’s been a lot of work to get to this point and it is exciting to see the job getting done.

Our minds are starting to turn to fall. My brother got a load of wood delivered. We’re starting to plan oil changes and all the things fall entails. It seems like summer has been too short.

Barrie Island

Jim and Margaret Blanchard arrived at their cottage at the end of June. In July they had their granddaughters visiting; Sammi from Pittsburg, Pennsylvania and Vanessa and her boyfriend from Cleveland, Ohio. They had a good time and great weather during the week. They visited Baie Fine one day and we all took the dinner cruise

Silver Water

On the morning of August 18, the UCW ladies were at the Silver Water Community Hall preparing the trays for the Mike Steele funeral luncheon in the afternoon. While loading the car with the trays, the ladies noticed seven police vehicles went past going east. By the end of the day, we knew that Rene Lampi had died in a car accident on Silver Lake Road. We offer condolences to his family.

Kay Everett and I went to Meldrum Bay to help serve the luncheon. The funeral was well attended with the fire team from Gore Bay participating in the service.

Saturday, August 19, there was a market in our yard. There are still a lot of yard sale items for sale. Please come on out and shop so we have less to store for the winter. The proceeds will go to the Silver Water Community Hall.

Saturday afternoon, Gladys Duncanson and I had an early swim. After we got home, we got ready and headed to Providence Bay for the Fair. There seemed to be a very big crowd and lots of vendors and other activities.

On our way home from the fair, Albert Meijer and I saw a doe with twins in two different places.

I bought two baskets of very ripe peaches at the fair. Monday, I turned them into pies.

The garden has been busy this week. We are picking four litres of yellow pole beans every other day. The peas are doing well, too, and the plants will soon get pulled to be fed to John Jagt’s poultry. The black currants are also getting picked now as they ripen.

Tuesday, Gladys Duncanson took Brenda Carter and I to Sudbury. Gladys had appointments and Brenda and I shopped for the lasagna dinner we are having on September 2.

Wednesday, Albert and I took a neighbour to an appointment in Little Current. We also took the car filled with liquor containers to return to the Beer Store.

Gladys and I continue to swim every day we can. The temperature of the water is telling us autumn is on its way. On windy days, it is harder to convince ourselves to go, but calm days are still very enjoyable.

Colleen and Eric Julseth left the cottage on Tuesday to go to Rossport to visit friends. Her sister, Shirley Anne Smyth LeSage and husband Robin LeSage arrived on Sunday for their vacation and to celebrate her birthday.

Lois Miller and husband Iain MacDonald are here staying at Kling’s Point and visiting as many community residents as they can before heading home to Nova Scotia.

Thursday night, there were seven-and-a half tables of euchre players.

Everyone is invited to the dinner on September 2 and the UCW invites all the ladies to a tea and fashion show on September 9 at the Silver Water Community Hall.

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