Top 5 This Week

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Friends and Neighbours


Team Fermeijer

Don’t throw a hissy fit, but Team Fergmeijer has it on good authority that there has been an uptick in the number of snakes in the village lately. What kind of snakes, you asp? On a scale of harmless to venomous, all the local snakes are harmless, so no need to be rattled.

At time of writing, the fire ban has been completely re-instated for Billings Township. No burning whatsoever is permitted, including fireworks. Check the township website at for up-to-date information.

Happy birthday wishes to Bonnie F and Meg M who both turn 29 this week. We recommend that you treat your birthday like you would a game of golf. If you don’t keep count, it’s way more fun.

Congratulations and thank you to the Old Mill Heritage Centre on hosting another successful History Night in Kagawong last week, featuring the history of trains on Manitoulin and a commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the JFK assassination. Don’t forget – for the rest of the summer you can check out the vintage camera exhibit at the museum. Snap to it!

Huge thanks to 4elements Living Arts and Kagawong Concert Series for bringing Georgia Hathaway and friends to Kagawong last week for a Mindful Music afternoon workshop, followed by an evening concert.

We have been seeing lots of familiar faces visiting in the last week or so. There was a bevy of Buies, a legion of Lawrences, a troop of Theijsmeijers, a pack of Parks, and a rally of Rhubys, just to name a few.

In related news, members of the Mudge Bay Floating-Boating Club (MBFC) gathered from far and wide for their quinquennial meeting and general shenanigans. Legend has it the organization was initially formed in the 1950s when some local and summer resident luminaries/rascals were looking for a way to raise money and support the local community (while still affording members the opportunity to get together for drinks and the aforementioned shenanigans). And so, the MBFC was born, a mascot was chosen (a skunk), and members gather in Kagawong every five years to reconnect, celebrate and continue the long and proud tradition of hijinks. Does anyone else remember Aussie’s cheating snakes?

Team Fergmeijer is tickled pink (and all colours of the rainbow, actually!) that Pride Manitoulin is back, August 17-20! There’s a whole host of events happening all over the Island, beginning with raising of the Pride flag at the Little Current waterfront on Thursday at 6 pm culminating in a parade and barbecue in Little Current on Sunday, August 20. There are way too many events and activities for us to list here, so be sure to check out Pride Manitoulin on Facebook for a full schedule and listing of events and in this week’s paper on pages 20, 21 and 22.

The Manitoulin Tennis Club is hosting its annual summer tournament on Sunday, August 20, at the Manitoulin Secondary School courts. All players of all abilities are welcome! Contact Chris at 705-618-7155 for more information or to register or check out the Manitoulin Tennis Club on Facebook.

Put your thinking caps on, the Township of Billings is requesting proposals for a five-year comprehensive strategic plan, as well as a corporate website. Interested? For more information on the request for proposals, check out the township website at, or contact Emily Dance, CAO/clerk at

The new pedestrian bridge across the lower Kagawong River is finally being built! The trails remain open, however be on the lookout for minor trail detours. Construction is expected to be complete by the end of September. For more information, contact Todd Gordon at 705-282-2611 extension 224.

Save the date! The next Island-Wide Waste Management meeting in Kagawong is coming up on September 14 at 7 pm. And be sure to check out the recent update on the Billings Climate Action Committee blog at

Did you know? A snake that’s 3.14 feet long is a pi-thon. Have a great week!

Meldrum Bay

Elaine Bradley

The Annual Beef Barbecue on the August long weekend was a great success. Thanks to everyone who came. Scott followed in his dad’s (Dale Van Every’s) footsteps and did a wonderful job on the barbecue. The beef was flavourful and tender and the corn on the cob was great.

Monday was another special day with a church picnic on the south shore. The lunch was fantastic. We saw the quarry which had supplied stone for the locks in Sault Ste. Marie. There were kayaks and some swam. The weather was perfect. It was sunny and warm with a slight breeze. Everyone was telling stories and visiting. A great day was had by all. Hopefully we are able to do it again next year.

There was no euchre last week due to preparing the hall for the barbecue. We’ll all be getting together for euchre this week.

Have a great week everybody!

Barrie Island

Lillian Greenman

The 33rd annual tour de Barrie Island was held on Saturday, August 6, twenty people rode bicycles and others walked, ran, rode in side-by-sides or acted as shuttle services and lemonade servers. Thirty two cranes were sighted and 31 gathered for a potluck dinner. Thank you to Alison Godwin and Effie Jeffkins for organizing the event.

Dave and Theresa Carlisle have their daughter Stephanie home for the week.

Wally and Esther Stiller have her sister Rev. Helen Reid from Medicine Hat, Alberta visiting for two weeks with them at their cottage.

Silver Water

Karen Noble

Albert Meijer and I travelled to Gore Bay on Friday, August 4 to go to the street market and the cafe. Thanks to the ladies from the Anglican Church for the cake and coffee.

Jean Steeves called to tell me that she and Lloyd had a visit from Larry and Sylvia Pfeifer, Lorna Cambria and Kay Everett the week before. The four of them had been to New Liskeard and were on their way home.

There was no euchre on Friday night in Meldrum Bay. The residents had spent the day getting the community hall ready for the roast beef dinner on Saturday night.

Saturday morning there was a market in our yard. The biggest excitement was when we realized that the stop sign across the road had been stolen the day before. Thanks to Eric Thiessen and John Jagt for figuring out a temporary solution. The MTO replaced the sign on Thursday.

Saturday evening, Albert and I went to Meldrum Bay for the roast beef supper. It was well attended.

After we got home, I was invited to Keith and Iris Clarke’s cottage to play six handed euchre. Iris, Linda Rumley and Myra Duncanson won the game in the end.

Kate Duncanson and her husband, Chip Tomisch arrived on Sunday to spend the week with her mother, Myra.

Gladys Duncanson and I swam every day this week. On Monday after the swim, my car would not start. Gladys gave me a ride home. Albert and I went back to the car with the booster cables and a battery which started the car right away. Albert called McQuarrie’s on Tuesday and they sent a new battery home with Gladys on Wednesday. That did the trick.

Thursday morning, I made two cakes for the market cafe in Gore Bay on Friday. It is the Silver Water UCWs turn to serve the cake and coffee.

Thursday night there were five-and-a-half tables. Congratulations to Myra Duncanson who won the money jar.

Condolences to the family of Tim Bailey.

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff