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Friends and Neighbours

friends and neighbours


Team Fermeijer

As far as Team Fergmeijer is concerened, this time of year is all about renewal. Renewal of our driver’s licence, our health card and our passports. Because of this, we headed to the Service Ontario office and ended up in line, stuck behind Satan for nearly an hour. We knew it was him, because the devil takes many forms.

Big news for those who use the post office in Kagawong. The post boxes are slated for upgrades, which means Canada Post will be reducing the total number of boxes available. This means some users may lose their post box. Those without a post box, as well as general delivery users, will be assigned to new community boxes that will be going in at an undecided location in the community. The changes are set for September this year. Canada Post will be sending notices to affected customers.

Pride Manitoulin is back! Mark your calendars for August 17-20 and stay tuned for more details on events.

You probably know that the Beverly Hills postal code is 90210. But did you know the Dawson’s Creek postal code is 90108 (…for our lives to be over).

At time of writing, the fire ban has been partially lifted for Billings Township. Backyard campfires are permitted, however fireworks and burning brush/yard waste (any burning that requires a permit) is still prohibited. Check the township website at billingstwp.ca for up-to-date information, and if burning, please exercise caution.

Happy birthday to Meg M who is turning 29 this year. Don’t let the fact that you are getting older get you down. When you get to be your age, getting back up again can be difficult.

Tomorrow! History Night in Kagawong is back on Thursday, August 10. Explore some of the history of Manitoulin Island, as well as commemorate the 60th anniversary of the JFK assassination at the event. Admission is free to either session: a 3:30 pm matinée or 7:30 pm evening event, both at the Kagawong Park Centre. Donations are always welcome for the Old Mill Heritage Centre.

On Friday afternoon, 4elements Living Arts is excited to offer a free Mindful Music workshop with Georgia Hathaway and friends. The session will focus on mindful awareness, vocal discovery and improvisational play. The aim is to help you gain a deeper sense of attunement to the present moment as well as a connectedness with self and others through the voice, breath and body. Stop by the Riverbend Stage in Kagawong from 2 to 4 pm!

After an afternoon of musical zen, get those toes-a-tapping at the 4th installment of the 2023 Kagawong Concert Series! On Friday evening (7:30 pm), join Georgia Hathaway and Friends at the Old Church on the Hill for fantastic live music. Check out Kagawong Concert Series on Facebook for ticket information.

Anyone want to “have fun storming the castle” this weekend? On Saturday you can watch the family friendly cult classic, ‘The Princess Bride’, on the beach courtesy of the Billings Public Library! The show is byoc/byof (bring your own chair/floatie) and admission is by donation.

Our neighbour can’t figure out why her dog Buster gets all riled up when the mail is delivered to the house each day. Especially since it’s almost never for him.

Manitoulin Tennis Club has a couple of summer events coming up that tennis players of all levels won’t want to miss! Tonight (Wednesday, August 9) is Ladies’ Night at the Manitoulin Secondary School courts. Racquets available to borrow if needed, come by any time after 6:30 pm. Did we mention there will be chocolate? Later in the month on Sunday, August 20, the club is having their annual summer tournament. All players welcome! Stay tuned for more details or check out the club on Facebook.

Save the date! The next Island-Wide Waste Management meeting in Kagawong is coming up on September 14 at 7 pm. And be sure to check out the recent update on the Billings Climate Action Committee blog at https://billingscac.blogspot.com/.

Local funny-man Jamie Ward has taken a job with Canada Post in order to pursue a new career in stand-up comedy: “I need to work on my delivery, yo!” Have a great week!

Meldrum Bay

Elaine Bradley

Saturday involved a morning at Karen and Albert’s Community Market. Josie Daniels was there from her market garden with a beautiful display of produce and artwork. I was very tempted by an owl picture. I resisted but if it’s there next time I may capitulate and snap it up. The goodies were wonderful and I pigged out. I try to resist doing that but once I cave in it becomes a landslide of food indulgence.

Marty Rosen gave a concert at the waterfront. John Bonwick called it the Meldrum Bay Amphitheatre. We brought our own chairs and settled in for a good time. There were many people there. The music was really good. Thanks, Marty, for giving all of us a wonderful evening.

A friend of mine picked up a very good friend at the airport who is home for a visit. It was so good to see her as she’s been away for a couple of years. She really misses being here and was glad to be visiting.

My brother and sister-in-law were over and went out picking chokecherries. She makes amazing chokecherry jam. They picked a huge quantity and there are still lots left. I hope I get a sample of the jam.

A small dog was lost this week and the whole community has been out and about looking for it. It has been spotted a few times but of course we are all strangers and it runs away. Hopefully this story has a happy ending.

Our cat went to the vet. We are so lucky here to have such good veterinarian service. Boris the cat survived his two needles and is good for another year.

There will be no cards this Saturday. It is the Beef Barbecue on Saturday and everyone is working hard to prepare for it. There will be no cards this Friday (August 4).

Last week at cards, July 28th, there were four full tables and one three-handed table. High lady was Brenda Carter with 72 points. High man was Donna K. McDonald with 69 points. Ladies’ lone hands went to Phyllis V. with six and men’s lone hands went to Larry Pfeiffer with four. Most euchres went to Steve with 13. Karen Noble brought home the juice. Once again the money jar is safe.

Barrie Island

Lillian Greenman

George and Carolyn Calback have their daughter Joyce and husband Rob Rogers from Burlington and their daughter Skylar and girls from London visiting this week.

Silver Water

Karen Noble

Friday, July 28, I went to Gore Bay in the morning to the market café in the Gore Bay Community Hall. After I had a piece of the chocolate cake, I left to go to the Lyons Memorial United Church rummage sale. They still had a lot of stuff to sell after I left.

We travelled to euchre in Meldrum Bay on Friday night.

Blake Duncanson spent the weekend with his parents, Murray and Gladys Duncanson.

Get well wishes to Julie Meredith who was stung multiple times by some type of ground nesting bees. The ambulance was called but Julie did not have to leave the cottage after being checked out by the paramedics.

Saturday morning, we had a market in our yard. Jose Daniels joined us with the first of her summer produce for sale. We had lots of people come out to shop. We always meet a few new neighbours every week. Thank you to John Jagt for volunteering to run the barbecue.

Ross and Lorna Hall and family were at the cottage. The property has been sold to their granddaughter. We wish Ross and Lorna well. Ross said they likely will not be back to Silver Water and we will miss visiting with them.

Saturday afternoon at Silver Lake, Gladys and I had company for the swim. We met Riley Harlton who is the great grandson of Riley Youngs who used to own a property on Silver Lake Road. Riley was vacationing with his wife, Tanima, and his triplet daughters, Nikki, Leah and Ela. The girls celebrated their 17th birthday on August 1. They currently live in Montreal and all have great plans regarding college and university. Murray Duncanson remembered the Youngs family and had some stories to tell this generation. This was the first set of triplets I had met and they were very interesting to talk to. They took some pictures at the lake before they left and we hope to see them at the lake again next year.

Lynn and Mike Tyler arrived at their cottage on Sunday. They are both looking well and are excited to finally get here for a vacation.

The young turkeys have arrived at John Jagt’s house and are busy eating enough to grow into Thanksgiving dinner.

Monday morning, Albert and I met the new GFL garbage truck driver, Mark. Thanks to Mark and Kim at GFL in Blind River for helping us clear up a couple of concerns in the community.

Tuesday night there was fire practice at the fire hall. Albert said there was discussion of the current fire ban situation. Please contact the fire chief or visit the Fire Marshall’s website for updates as they happen.

Wednesday, I travelled to Sudbury with Anne Boyd. The day was perfect. We were hoping for a lot of rain, but there was a downpour for about five minutes and the sun was back out. There were several areas under construction. We did not have long waits at any of them.

Thursday night, there were six full tables at euchre in the Silver Water Community Hall. The money jar continues to grow as no one gets a high enough score to win it.

Happy Birthday to Larissa Chevrette who will be 21 on August 7th.

Condolences to the family of Dorothy Johnson.

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