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Friends and Neighbours


Team Fergmeijer

Your friendly neighbourhood journalists are onto a hot story – a mystery of enormous size and consequence. It has come to our attention that the tried-and-true party game “Swedish Dinkie” is woefully unknown off-Island. We have reached out to numerous non-Islanders and all report having never heard of the popular party game involving a tennis ball in a nylon tied around one’s waist. We didn’t even find anything about it on the interwebs, outside of one video on the Ellen show. Is it a conspiracy? Is Big Nylon trying to shut down the party industry? We are on the case and won’t rest until we discover the truth! Happy birthday wishes go to Lisa L this week. She has made at least 29 circuits around the sun: quite the achievement! We hope you are celebrating in style! Just a reminder that the library board meetings have changed to the second Tuesday of every month. The next meeting will be February 14th at the library starting at 7pm. Contact the library directly for more information (billingsreads@gmail.com, 705-282-2944). There’s never a dull moment in Kagawong! There are a couple of exciting events coming up at the Kagawong Park Centre: On January 25, and just in time for Robbie Burns’ Day, New Grain Kitchen is hosting a “nose to tail” feast by UK Chef Will Atherton. Check out New Grain’s website for more information. And then the very next day, January 26 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm, Manitoulin Streams is hosting Youth Rangers’ Night, where students in grades one to eight can come to the Park Centre to learn more about local mammals and winter track identification. For more information or to register your child/children, contact getinvolved.manitoulinstreams@gmail.com A quick heads up to those who know our Manitoulin Mom: Keeping secrets and/or sneaking up on her has now become much harder than ever before. You have been warned! Does anyone ever redo a puzzle more than once? Team Fergmeijer tends to treat them like a single-use product, so we are super excited about the upcoming PUZZLE SWAP at the library on Saturday, January 28 from 10 am to 1 pm. Bring the jigsaw puzzles of your past to trade for the jigsaw puzzles of your future and mingle with other like-minded puzzle lovers (don’t worry, you’ll fit right in). Did you miss our holiday special? Or want to relive the adventures of the Kagawong Gobble Brigade? Catch up on old times with the complete archive of Team Fergmeijer columns, all the way back to 2015! Check out http://teamfergmeijer.blogspot.com to get your fill of puns and Kagawong happenings. The rink ice is slowly but surely setting up. It isn’t quite ready for skating yet, but we are hopeful we’ll get the go-ahead soon. For now, volunteers are asking everyone to stay off the ice, so it has a chance to form a solid base. The fire hall is still off-limits for safety reasons. Please utilize the water at the public works garage at 34 Carter Crescent. Please be mindful of the bay doors, and do not leave your vehicle unattended. Last week we were sold a fake number puzzle. It was a pseudo-ku. Have a good week!

Silver Water
Karen Noble

There was a well-attended potluck supper and dance at the Silver Water Community Hall on New Year’s Eve. Thank you to everyone who did the work, attended the party and donated to the Angel Bus. There was one person out to recycle bin day on December 24 and 16 households on January 9. The liquor bottles and cans will be collected for the Silver Water Recreation Centre for the next few months so please bring them out. Both bins were full and got emptied later in the week. Congratulations to my nephews, Colton and Jackson Chevrette, who took their hunter course in Sheshegwaning on the weekend and both passed. Brenda Carter, Shelley Cull and I have been walking every day and are glad the ice on the roads is beginning to melt. Albert Meijer had another set of x-rays done on January 11. He will talk to the surgeon next week for an update. There were 14 euchre players in Silver Water on January 12. Dave and Arie who are living in and working on the old store came to play and we hope to see them out regularly. Euchre was held in Meldrum Bay on January 6 with 11 people. Myra Duncanson was the high lady; Steve Gugylek was the high man; Karen Noble had the most loan hands for the ladies and Doug Carter won for the men; Helen Black had the most euchres; Karen Noble won the juice. There were 13 players at euchre in Meldrum Bay on January 13. Mildred Kelly won high lady and Bob Benedict won high man; Myra Duncanson won ladies’ loan hands and Guy Bigras won for the men; Karen Noble had the most euchres; Sara-Lyn Arnot won the juice. We are looking forward to the spaghetti dinner in Meldrum Bay on Friday, January 27 with euchre afterwards and to the Winter Fun Day on Sunday, February 19 with lunch first, then a euchre tournament in the afternoon. Watch for the advertisements with the details. Congratulations to Kamilah and Troy McDonald on their recent wedding. We wish a speedy recovery to Cindy Nicks. Condolences to the family of Elaine Thorburn.


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