Alexia here with your Polar Vortex Fly!
This winter seems to have more than made up for the lack of snow last year, much to the delight of snowmachine enthusiasts and much to the demise of commuters, Island wide. The first thing I learned up here was to drive on the ambulance school bus routes as those are the ones better serviced/plowed in the winter season. Even then, I always check my social feeds and 511 for road conditions and updates. Always wise up here in north country to dress for the weather, because you never know when you may get stranded on the road somewhere in Everest like flash freeze (that one is for the cool to be cold teens who refuse to wear jackets in winter). I always remind my kid that frostbite isn’t cool. So baby, when it’s cold outside, layer up like your life depends on it because right now it actually does. Shout out and thank you to all the bus drivers, plow operators, public service workers and snowmobile trail facilitators for your hard work and dedication in keeping us all on the go in the snow!
Here’s What’s happening: Providence Bay Arena, learn to skate is Sundays from 12 noon to 1 pm; public skate is Sundays from 1 to 3 pm; family sponge puck is Sundays from 3 to 5 pm. Sponsored by the Spring Bay/Providence Bay Recreation Committee. Helmets required.
McAllister tourney coming soon! Stay tuned.
Providence Bay Curling Club is hosting their annual ladies’ bonspiel on February 14 to 16. This year’s theme is Diamonds & Denim! First 16 teams accepted. Guaranteed three games and Saturday evening dinner and entertainment. $220 entry fee (+$20 Calcutta). Email or call 705-377-4668 to register.
Providence Bay Community of Christ Church Sunday Service: 10:30 am meet-up; 11 am service.
Providence Bay Hall: Save the date! Join us on February 14 from 2 to 4 pm for a mid-winter mingle at the Providence Bay Hall! This event is geared to adults 55+ and supported by the Friends of the Mindemoya Old School. For more information, please contact Alison at 705-377-5726 or by email at
Winter Workouts are back! Friday mornings from 10:30 to 11:30 am till March 14 at the Providence Bay Hall.
Tai Chi Classes continue Mondays and Thursdays from
10:30 am to 12:30 pm. Contact Jean Pearce at 705-885-8444.
Gentle Yoga continues Wednesdays at 6:15 pm at Spring Bay Hall.
The Fundraisers: Providence Bay/Spring Bay Lions Club Bottle drive continues, drop off your empties next to the arena for a good cause! Check the Lions Facebook page for upcoming events.
The Heavens: February 12 marks the next Full Moon of 2025 and is known as the Snow Moon. It will occur at 8:53 am EST in the constellation Leo. It will appear fully illuminated the night before and after this time.
On the evening of February 28, seven planets, Saturn, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Uranus and Neptune will align in the night sky. Five of these (Saturn, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Mars) will be visible to the naked eye, while Uranus and Neptune will require optical aids. This rare alignment offers a unique stargazing opportunity.
Mentions: Happy Birthday Ana Mae, Christian, Cheryl, Leanne, Suzanne and all you amazing early February babies!
PSA: Please be advised that a warming area is available at the Central Manitoulin Municipal Office. Stay safe out there and always check your local news for updates on weather and road conditions. Shout out and thanks to Jim Ferguson and Darren Dewar for all your efforts and due diligence on the ITG permissions maps, keep trailblazing! For more updates on the Ontario Federation Snowmobile Clubs’ trails visit the Manitoulin Snowdusters Facebook group page.
“The wintry west extends his blast,
And hail and rain does blaw;
Or, the stormy north sends driving forth
The blinding sleet and snaw”
Exerpt from Robert Burns poem ‘Winter: a Dirge.’
We freely admit that Team Fergmeijer is made up of space nerds. Seriously, space is a vacuum, but it definitely doesn’t suck. It’s safe to say we love just about every aspect of the galaxy around us. Except maybe for the Dog Star. It’s not fun at all. Much too Sirius.
Whether you’re looking for something for your sweetheart, or just looking to treat yourself – the Kagawong Valentine’s Market has just what you need! Stop in the toasty warm Kagawong Park Centre on Saturday, February 1 from 10 am to 3 pm and support local artisans and vendors while getting your market fix.
Deepen your connection with your body with the free Inclusive Mindful Movement classes at the Park Centre till March 3 (8-9 pm). Come out for a gentle, joyful movement practice focused on helping you find more ease in your movement and alignment. No dance experience necessary. Space is limited. Pre-registration is encouraged. (647-213-1497).
Speaking of outer space, we’re pretty confident that there is other intelligent life out there. We just figure they haven’t come to our galaxy because they read the reviews (one star).
Birthdays are like spotting Bigfoot. You really do want to see them but you’re a little afraid of what they’ll look like. Either way, we want to wish a very happy 29th birthday to Doug C and an equally happy, not-even-close-to-29th birthday to Gabe H.
With special thanks to the volunteers that maintain the ice, we’re happy to announce that the Pickledome… er… Kagawong River Complex is open for skating! Community members are reminded to take the nets off the ice after using them and to turn off the lights before leaving. Otherwise, enjoy the ice!
This year is the 100th anniversary of the Old Mill in Kagawong and the museum board is planning a variety of ceremonial events and is looking for additional historical information. If you know of anyone who could help or who worked at the mill/hydro plant, the museum board would be grateful for any information. You can email
How do astronauts start fights in space? Comet me bro!
Is your new year’s resolution to stay up on local politics? You can attend Billings township council meetings virtually! You can find more information on their Facebook page ( or contact the town office directly for the Zoom link.
Looking to while away the winter days? Catch up on all Team Fergmeijer’s past punny columns in our archive at
Did you know that the density of Saturn is so low that the whole planet would float on the water in your bath? The downside to doing this experiment at home is that it leaves a massive ring around the tub (though all it takes to remove the ring is a little Comet). Have a great week!
On Saturday, January 18 the Annual General Meeting of the Dawson Citizens Improvement Association was held. The meeting was well attended. As usual a new board was elected. Thank you to Rick Bradley, my husband and Marcus White, our neighbour for their service. They decided to not let their names stand this year. The members for this year are Jenn Clarke, Wendy VanEvery, Anne Gifford Steele, Lisa Townsend, Richard McDonald and Chad Whitney. There were questions and discussions. The DCIA members work hard and do their best for the community. We all appreciate you.
The bay is now frozen over. There was lots of snow this week. It seems to happen every year. Winter seems reluctant to come and then we get dumped on. There are several people who are available to clean driveways. The rest of us are shovelling and snow blowing away the drifts.
Due to the weather chair yoga and line dancing in Silver Water were cancelled this week, so we were stuck sitting at home, in front of the fire with our feet up.
We went to town Thursday and shortly after leaving Meldrum, but having not quite arrived at Loon Lake, we saw a black lump on the road ahead. I said to Rick, “is that a garbage bag?” As we got closer, it took shape and we realized it was a bobcat. It looked very cute and fluffy, but I know better than to think of messing with it. The car got quite close before it ran off into the bush.
On Friday night, January 17 at cards there were 14 people. There were three full tables and two sit outs. High lady was Donna Kay McDonald with 83 points. Due to her high score she got to take home the contents of the money jar. Congratulations Donna Kay. High man was Rick Bradley with 71 points; ladies’ lone hands went to Brenda Carter with five; men’s lone hands went to Ken Duncanson with two; Doug Carter had the most euchres with seven; Natasha McVey brought home the juice; Brenda Carter won the 50/50 draw; Lisa Townsend won the door prize.
Have a good week everyone. Drive safely.
On Friday, January 17 I went to do bookwork in Mindemoya in the morning. I finished about 2:30 pm just in time for the snow to start in earnest, so I headed for home. By the time I stopped in Gore Bay the snow was almost done.
Friday evening, we went to Meldrum Bay to play euchre. There were not many of us but we had a lot of fun.
I took DonnaKay McDonald, Myra Duncanson and Heather Wilson with me to euchre at the Burpee/Mills Complex. The group was a bit smaller than usual, but we still had many laughs. Congratulations to Joyce McDonald Robinson who won the money jar.
On Tuesday afternoon the exercise class was cancelled.
On Wednesday afternoon the line dancing was cancelled.
Both events will continue next week as long as the weather permits.
Thursday evening there was euchre at the Silver Water Hall with 17 players.
We heard some snowmobiles on the road in the last few days.
On Sunday, February 2 there is a euchre tournament in Tehkummah.
On Thursday, February 6 there is the UCW meeting at St. Andrew’s United Church in Silver Water.
On Sunday, February 9 there is a potluck lunch in Meldrum Bay with the church service following.
On Sunday, February 16 there is a stew and chili luncheon in Meldrum Bay with a euchre tournament in the afternoon.
Happy Birthday to Gertrude Nicks.
Happy Birthday to Gladys Duncanson.