In the Prescott A division (8-10-year-old) the Espanola Sluggers defeated the Sliders in the fourth
annual Mindemoya Youth Softball tournament held this past weekend. Members of the Espanola
Sluggers included Mason Aubrey, Oliver Dambrosio, Leif Eadie, Parker Martin, Bentley Mailloux, Wyatt Powell, Henley Massicotte, Alina Sloss, Penelope Lalonde, Elyza McCullugh, Lenin Duplessis, Gabby Timbers, Anna Barnes, and coaches Brandon Mailloux and Caitlin Aubrey.
This was the fourth Mindemoya Youth Softball tournament, held in Mindemoya this past weekend. A total of 36 teams (420 players) took part in the five divisions as well as a t-ball group. Greg Lockeyer, main organizer of the event thanked all the volunteers who helped put on the tournament, the umpires, all the sponsors, Fire Chief Phil Gosse of the Central Manitoulin Fire Department for watering down the fields every day, the Lanktree family for manning the food booth, the committee member group for all their efforts during the weekend.
Prescott Division
Delroy Prescott, left, presents the Prescott A division (8-10 year-old) championship trophy to a member of the Espanola Sluggers.In the Prescott B division (8-10 year-old) the Rough Riders, (shown in photo) defeated On Fire in the championship game.
Lanktree Division
The Bad News Bears won the Lanktree A division (age 11-12) final over Far Out in Leftfield. The winning team included Tomas Noakwegijig, Evander Ominika-Shawana, Taidym Gonawabi, Trenton Trudeau, Calvin Kaboni, Tyler Mandamin, Lynndra Madahbee, Treily Gonawabi, Kailyn Iginlis, Nyka Young, Peyton Kaboni, and Marissa Ominika.The Lanktree B division (age 11-12) saw Bat Attitudes defeating The Odd Squad in the final.
Love Division
The Espanola Bench Warmers defeated the Honey Badgers in the Love A division (age 13-14) final. The Love family division is a new one to the Mindemoya Youth Softball tournament. Mark Love, on behalf of the Love family, presented the championship trophy to the members of the team which included Carter Mullen, Liam Houle, Cooper Farquhar, Hayden Morrell, Max Jouppi, Jackson Bentley, Marly Paradis, Abby Parker, Mack Berrell, Payton Tamuva, Kate Neufeld, Sophie Morrell and coaches Don Farquhar and Kurtis Mullen.The Mad Batters defeated the War Dogs in the new Love B division (age 13-14) final.
King Division
The Clear Lakers won the King A division (age 15-16) final over Pitch Perfect. Doug and Cathy King, on behalf of the King family are standing in photo along with members of the winning team which included Ethan Leblanc, Regan Houle, Anderson Parker, Ashton Clement, Ryder Coe, Ethan Hodder, Andi Sokoloski, Payton Sokoloski, Cierra Sokoloski, Kailyn McDougall, Rylee Patreau and Delayna Rantanen. The King B division final was won by the Warriors over Scared Hitless.
Lockeyer Division
In the Lockeyer A division (age 17-19) final Mean Machine beat Basic Pitches in the final game. Members of the winning team included Jared Toope, Whittier Gauthier, Autumn Deschenes, Zoe Redmond, Ali Laginski, Sabrina Shamess, Wyatt Corbiere, Riley Lockeyer, Billy Biedermann, Cord Hughson and coaches Jay Toope and Tim Lockeyer.The Master Batters defeated the Red Neck Islanders in the Lockeyer B division (age 17-19) final.