MANITOWANING—It can be said that the annual flower show and luncheon hosted by the Assiginack Horticultural Society (AHS) has a long-standing tradition of bringing families together to display their beautiful flowers and plants every year.
One of the participants in the flower show held July 26 at the Assiginack community centre included Norma Moggy. Among her entries in the flower show was one that is extra special. A beautiful geranium has been passed down in her family for many generations.
“This geranium has been in the Fields family for over 100 years,” Ms. Moggy told The Expositor. “It has been passed down in our family for many years. My dad, Roy Fields, gave it to me and my dad received it from my grandmother, Jane Fields, whose maiden name was Abbott.”
Hugh Moggy has had entries in the flower show for many years as well. His late wife Marilyn “was always a participant in the flower show. Marilyn was president and I was secretary of the (AHS) for many years.”
“My daughter Jane was here a few days before the flower show and I said, ‘we should do something for the flower show’,” said Mr. Moggy. They had 10 entries in the show, taking first place prize in nine categories. “We were pretty proud of that, and Marilyn would have been proud of this as well.”
“There was a good showing of entries in the flower show,” said Mr. Moggy. “There were more exhibits this year, but less people on hand. And the lunch that was held was excellent.”