Family Fun Day an opportunity for all Island families


M’CHIGEENG—The Manitoulin Service Providers Network (MSPN) is hosting a Family Fun Day extravaganza on Saturday, April 18 at Manitoulin Secondary School (MSS) in M’Chigeeng and is encouraging all Manitoulin families to come and join them.

The day begins at 10 am and is jam packed with activities such as karate, zumba, yoga and hula hooping, story time with Sheila McDermid, author of the popular Hawbear series, invitations to create (“Like crafts, but better,” says MSPN co-chair Amanda Roy), a ‘block party’ with blocks of varying shapes and sizes for building fun, a visit from Patches the Clown, a catered lunch and door prizes too, all for free

Booths from several Manitoulin family service providers will also be on hand to give information about what it is they offer and how they can serve Island families.

To encourage maximum participation, the MSPN is providing free busing from the following communities: Assiginack Public School in Manitowaning, 8:45 am; Central Manitoulin Public School in Mindemoya, 9:30 am; Lakeview School in M’Chigeeng, 9:45 am; C.C. McLean Public School in Gore Bay, 9:15 am; the Park Centre in Kagawong, 9:30 am; Little Current Public School, 9:15 am; and the outdoor rink at Aundeck Omni Kaning at 9:30 am.

The buses will leave MSS to return to each community at 1:10 pm.

Ms. Roy said the event is designed to highlight the importance of family activities and playing together, as well as getting to know the Island service providers.

“It will be a day of interactive fun,” she said.