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Espanola Chief’s report on the 2015 community survey

These statistics represent the findings of the public opinion survey conducted by Oraclepoll Research Limited between November 26 and December 1, 2015. Oraclepoll conducted random phone interviews with a total of 350 Espanola residents and 50 Espanola businesses.


With respect to crime, the most important issue of residents were drugs by 13%, a similar number when compared to 2012.  While break and enters/thefts a close second named by 11%, this result dropped 6% since 2012, followed by patrols/visibility in the community named by 9%.   

Of most concern to businesses were break and enter/thefts named by 24%, followed by more patrols/visibility in the community by 18%.  The next most named issue has never been previously mentioned in past surveys, was the need for crime prevention programs or strategies by 10%. 

When residents were asked what they felt could be done to reduce crime in the community, 33% did not know or were unsure and 5% said the police should continue what they are doing. However, 31% of residents and 38% of business answered having more police patrols/visibility, 22% of businesses stated there needs to be more education or crime prevention programs.

The level of concern with crime in Espanola has slightly decreased from the previous surveys.  In 2015, 79% of residents and 76% of business were unconcerned or neutral in regards to the current level of crime in Espanola

The level of concern with neighbourhood crime has also slightly decreased from previous surveys with 89% of residents feeling unconcerned or neutral.  The concern for neighbourhood crime among businesses is similar to previous years with 82% feeling unconcerned or neutral.

Rating Safety

Overall, there continues to remain a high sense of safety with respect to daytime activities in parks and neighbourhoods, 86% or higher.  Residents have a higher feeling of safety visiting public parks at night from 40% in 2012 to 48% in 2015. Walking alone at night in their neighbourhood is up from 61% in 2012 to 74% in 2015. Businesses remained the same walking alone at night at 72% and visiting public parks at night went up from 50% in 2012 to 58% in 2015

Neighbourhood Policing Visibility

In 2015, 40% of residents and 62% of businesses responded they see police officers in their neighbourhood often or very often.  This is a slightly less percentage for residents, but is a slightly increased percentage for businesses when compared to 2009 and 2012.  While 31% of residents responded sometimes this is consistent with previous surveys and 14% of businesses responded sometimes is slightly decreased from previous years.

A total of 62% of businesses and 70% of residents said this level of policing in their neighbourhood is just right, while 22% of businesses and 26% of residents stated it was too low and 10% business and 2% of residents thought it was too high.

Concern with Crime Related Issues

Residential concerns were highest with 50% for theft from vehicles issues compared to 62% in 2012 and 71% in 2009. Secondly, 39% of residents were concerned with break-ins/theft compared to 53% in 2012 and 70% in 2009.  Businesses felt drugs at 64% and traffic violations at 56% were the top two issues in 2015.

Concern with Neighbourhood Safety

Driving related issues remain the highest concern with both residents and businesses, especially reckless drivers, speeders, and drunk drivers.

Traffic Concerns

Distracted driving was at the top of the list of concerns for residents at 57% and businesses 64% this year. Speeding and aggressive driving were also at the top of businesses concerns both at 64% which has increased from previous years.  Residents are still concerned with speeding, however, are down to 53% from 57% in 2012 and disobeying signs and signals at 48% compared to 51% in 2012. 

Victims of Crime

A total of 15% of residential respondents claimed that they had been victims of crime in the past 24 months, up 2% from 2012, however, a total of 14% of businesses claimed to be a victim of crime, which is down from 24% in 2012.

Rate of Assistance/Contact

Residents and businesses were asked if they have had contact with the Espanola Police Service in the past 24 months.  A total of 42% of residents have had contact with 43% by telephone, 25% at their home or work, 19% at the police service, 6% in a public place, and 4% at a community event.  A total of 68% of businesses have had contact with 44% at their workplace, 41% by telephone, and 15% at the police service.

Residents and businesses rated their experience with the Espanola Police services high in all areas.   Business rated knowledge, showing concerns for needs, and courtesy at 100%, which is a significant increase from previous years. Residents rated operator is helpful and efficient as number one at 93%, courtesy and being helpful both at 86%. 

Rating Quality of Service

According to residents, the police service rated highest for enforcing the laws against drunk driving, enforcing the law, creating a sense of safety, and enforcing the laws against aggressive driving.   Businesses rated highest for ensuring the safe travel on roads, enforcing laws against drunk driving, creating a sense of safety, and enforcing the law. 

Value for Tax Dollar

A total 47% of residents rated the Police Service as being good or very good which is lower compared to previous years, at 49% in 2012 and 61% in 2009. A total of 20% responded as satisfactory.  A total of 46% of businesses rated the value of policing as good or very good compared to 52 % in 2012 and 58% in 2009.  A total of 8% responded as satisfactory.

Limited Police Service Office Hours

There was a low level of support by residents at 37% for limiting police service office hours to 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, compared to 58% that oppose it. Whereas businesses were divided on the issue at 42% opposing it and 52 % in support of reduced hours.

Alternative Reporting Methods

A total of 66% of residents and 58% of businesses would be willing to use an alternative method of reporting minor offences such as a reporting centre or an online option. Only 31 % of residences and 34% of businesses would not be willing to use a new system.

Tax Increase/Decrease

While a majority of 55% of residents were not willing to support a decrease in their municipal taxes if the reduction resulted in a cutback of police service, officers, and office staff, 40% did and 5% were undecided.  Similarly, 58% of businesses were not willing, 28% did and 14% were undecided.

However, 63% of residents and 58% of business were not in support of an increase in municipal taxes to improve the level of policing in the community


The Oracle Poll survey results indicate how the services provided by the Espanola Police Service and the community’s view of The Espanola Police Service have changed over time from 2009 to 2012 to 2015.

Drugs, Break and Enter/Theft, Distracted Driving, Speeding and Aggressive Driving top the list of citizens concerns.

More police patrols and visibility continues to be seen as an effective way to reduce crime in Espanola.

Article written by

Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff