Providence Bay
Alexia Hannigan
Alexia here with your friendly slush n slide fly! Well, we survived the blizzards, the ice-storms, the Provincial elections and are in the thick of a heated and hearty trade-war. Despite everything, we Canadians have never been more revved up and raring to go! You see, we come from a long line of people who define pioneering spirit. “I am Canadian” is more than just a concept, ad campaign or collective war cry, it’s how we identify. We come from the blood and breast of clans, tribes and trailblazing ancestors and elders who have built nations, communities, cross-country travel and trade networks with no compass, no maps, only guides.
We clawed, carved and portaged our way through mountain passes and waterways, laid railways, pipelines, carved brick, mortar and wood monuments, we created founding principles and set precedents and pressed on through seemingly impossible physical and political climates. We forged and founded this great Country with sheer determination and true grit. We have a Prime Minister, not a President, we speak English, French and Ojibwe and many other languages, we pronounce things our own way, we believe in peacekeeping and penalties not policing, diversity not assimilation, Canada is the second largest land mass, the First Nation of hockey and the best place to live. We have four seasons, we have thousands of reasons, we are here for a lifetime. We love you Canada tried and true, and we will fight for you.
Here’s what’s happening: Providence Bay Arena, learn to skate on Sundays from 12 noon to 1 pm; public skate is on Sundays from 1 to 3 pm; family sponge puck is Sunday from 3 to 5 pm. Sponsored by the Spring Bay/Providence Bay Recreation Committee. March break skate times are Tuesday to Friday, public skate is from 1 to 2 pm; sponsored family skate is from 2 to 3 pm. Sponsored by the Spring Bay/Providence Bay Lions Club. Helmets required.
Providence Bay Curling Club continues to be busy with events and schedules.
Providence Bay Community of Christ Church Sunday service: 10:30 am meet-up; 11 am service.
Winter Workouts continue Friday mornings from 10:30 to 11:30 am till March 14 at the Providence Bay Hall.
Tai Chi classes continue Mondays and Thursdays from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm.
Mindemoya Hall (some events have been re-located to the Providence Bay Hall, please check with the municipality or instructors).
March Knowledge Sharing Sessions continue.
Gentle Yoga continues with chair yoga and gentle yoga on Tuesdays from 1 to 1:45 pm and 2 to 3 pm at the Providence Bay Hall, till further notice. Gentle yoga continues Wednesdays at 6:15 pm at the Spring Bay Hall.
Traditional Taekwon-do continues this Thursday and next Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday at 6 pm.
The Heavens: March 14 is the total lunar eclipse, (blood moon/worm moon). A mesmerizing blood moon will grace the skies! Wishing you clear skies and bright sights! Happy sky-gazing.
Providence Bay Post Office update: We will have our Post Office and regular mail available for the month of March.
The Friends: Congratulations to you mid-March babies old and new. Hope all your wishes come true.
Happy middle of March Break everyone! Enjoy a safe and happy winter break.
Happy St. Paddy’s Day next week! Slainté, “May you have all the happiness and luck that life can hold—and at the end of all your rainbows, may you find a pot of gold.”
– Anon. Irish blessing
Team Fregmeijer
It was a sad and disappointing day when we found out that our universal remote did not, in fact, control the Universe. Not even remotely.
To make ourselves feel better, we are going bowling. You can come too! Friday, March 14 Noojmowin-Teg is offering transportation from Manitoulin to Venture Lanes in Espanola for a free 2SLGBTQIA+ family and youth bowling day. On Thursday, March 20 there is a 2SLGBTQIA (18+) bowling night. Pizza and drinks provided! Contact for more information or to register.
Manitoulin Streams Youth Rangers are at it again! On Friday, March 14 (from 11 am to 2 pm) kids in grades 1 to 8 are invited to take part in a ‘Maple Syrup Event’ at the Kagawong Park Centre. Cost is $10/child, and a pizza lunch is provided. Contact for more information and to register.
Free seniors’ exercise classes continue this month at the Park Centre. New participants are still able to join the remaining classes including tomorrows! Come out at 9:30 am on Thursday, March 13 and Thursday, March 20. No registration necessary.
Planning on going for a skate? With the variable temperatures lately, the rink at the Kagawong River Complex sometimes closes to protect the ice surface. Check the Facebook page for updates, and please do not skate on the ice when the ‘CLOSED’ sign is posted.
Also due to the warmer weather, the half load restrictions are currently in effect for the Township of Billings. Wild turkey flocks (also known as “rafters”) are limited to groups of no more than seven on a road at any given time. We do not have the statistics on allowable numbers of Sandhill Cranes at this time, but we will report back when we have updated information from the township.
Spring dance season is just around the corner! Classes with Candice Irwin of Body Stories Dance Education and Performance are starting up again the week of March 17th. Kagawong classes at the Park Centre Monday evenings include “Creative Movement” (ages 3 to 6), “Contemporary” (ages 6 and up), and “Mindful Movement” (adults and teens). Check out for more information.
Two Kagawongians are turning 29 this week: happy birthday wishes go out to Kim N. and Mike M. who have both figured out that the only way to worm out of turning older each year is to live in Billings!
If you are looking for a project to keep you busy this spring and summer, the back room at the Aus Hunt Marina is available to rent.
To close out the column, we were going to share a bowling joke, but we will spare you. Have a great week!
Barrie Island
Enid Russels
It’s still early March but we know Spring is coming because the temperatures are dipping up and down and the maple syrup producers are tapping their trees and are ready for that sap to run. It looks like the conditions will be ready by next week.
Congratulations to Micah Runnalls who celebrated his 4th birthday a few times last weekend! Rainbow cakes, balloons, skating and a new tool bench were just a part of his exciting day.
Almaz’s Bistro was just humming last Friday morning as local friends gathered for coffee and cake. Almaz and Helen and Lynda were generously pouring the complimentary coffee as people caught up with each other’s weekly news.
Renee Zillio is offering Tai Chi lessons on Monday and Wednesday evenings at our Gordon/Barrie Island Community Centre. It’s a wonderful activity for those who want to improve their focus, physical strength and stability.
The Anglican All Saints United Church hosted a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on Tuesday, of course! There’s nothing quite like a community gathering to bring people together and especially when it involves pancakes, maple syrup, sausages, strawberries and whipped cream! We saw many of our friends and some that we hadn’t run into for years.
Last weekend there was an afternoon of dancing at the Water’s Edge Restaurant in Gore Bay and there were a few Barrie Island people there sharing the dance floor with the locals and some from as far away as Gordon Township, Meldrum Bay, Lonely Bay and Lake Manitou! The Manitoulin Swing Band is getting ready for a St. Patrick’s Day dance and dinner there on Saturday, March 15 at 6 pm. The ‘wearin’ o’ the green” is compulsory on St. Patty’s Day but Oliver tells me that if he can’t find anything, he’s pretty sure Jim and Joanne Smith will have some accessory to help him out.
Silver Water
Karen Noble
On Friday, February 28, euchre in Meldrum Bay was cancelled due to the weather.
Brenda Carter and I went to Meldrum Bay to play euchre and cribbage with TJ Murray and Nathan on Saturday evening.
Sunday morning Alfreda Wickett came to our house for a short visit.
On Sunday there were a lot of euchre players from the west end who travelled to Tehkummah for their once-a-month euchre tournament. Congratulations to DonnaKay McDonald and Ken Duncanson who won second prize and to Natasha McVey who won the 50/50 draw.
On Monday evening, we went to play euchre at the Burpee/Mills Complex.
On Tuesday afternoon the exercise class was held at the Silver Water Community Hall.
Wednesday afternoon there was line dancing at the hall.
On Thursday, March 6 the World’s Day of Prayer was held at St. Andrew’s United Church at 11 am. The group went to Stop 540 for lunch afterwards. At 1:30 pm they were back at the church for the UCW meeting.
On Thursday evening, there was euchre at the hall.
I had lots of visits over the phone this week with Bill Sundercock, Karen Marshall, Aileen Noble and several others.
Happy 90th birthday to Lilly Third.
Get well to Clarke Duncanson and Anne Boyd.
Condolences to the family of Doug Burt.