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Column: Friends and Neighbours

Providence Bay
Alexia Hannigan

Alexia here with your friendly flowing fly.

Tap, sap and two smoking sugar shacks is the name of the game at this time of year. Back from March break and emerging from hibernation the good people of Manitoulin Island are busy and rushed again to get some good liquid gold from the sugar bush. Local business owners and storefronts, coaches, kids and birds are all chatter and bubbling like the flowing falls and riverways. When the sun lingers a few extra hours each day, you know Island spring is on its way. Everyone and everything rush full speed ahead into the start of another wondrous and busy season of making preparations for visiting friends, family and neighbours. The cascade of spring and all she brings, a time to reset and make new memories and prepare for the festivals, pow wows, fairs and farmers’ markets. We have few precious weeks of silly spring left before it gets real, folks! 

Here’s what’s happening: It’s Here! The Bradley McAllister 4×4 Memorial Hockey Tournament takes place this weekend Friday, March 21 with a 6:30 pm start, Saturday, March 22 with a 9:30 am start and Sunday, March 23 with a 10 am start at the Providence Bay Arena. 

Congratulations to all the players and teams on yet another incredible Little NHL 2025, welcome home.

Providence Bay Community of Christ Church Sunday Service: 10:40 am joys and concerns; 11 am worship.

The Heavens: March 29 Partial solar Eclipse (North Eastern US and Maritimes), next full “Pink” moon is April 12.

Venus will pop out as the “Morning Star” from April 1 to November 20 and be visible in the east and southwest just before sunrise.

Wishing you clear skies and bright sights! Happy sky-gazing.

The Friends: Congratulations to you mid-March babies old and new. Hope all your wishes come true. Happy Birthday to my brother Christian Hannigan. Happy Spring and Happy 30th McAllister Memorial Hockey Tourney weekend! 

“Skate hard, hit clean, play smart and have fun.” – Anon

Team Fergmeijer

We know St. Patrick’s Day was this past Monday, but we believe the luck of the Irish can be celebrated all week long! In other words, it ain’t over until it’s clover. Regardless how you celebrated, Team O’Fergmeijer hopes you are having a shamrockin’ good week!

Spring is (almost) sprung, the grass is (almost) ris, I wonder where the giant prehistoric-looking birdies is? Be on the lookout for the return of the sandhill crane! Peter O’Gordon was the first to hear the telltale coo last year, taking the yearly title for the second time. Will he be able to make it a three-peat? Or will you be the first to report a sighting/hearing? Email Team O’Fergmeijer at and let us know when you first spot or hear a sandhill crane in Billings. Don’t forget to include date and time – some years it has come down to a matter of a few minutes to determine the champion!

It is still too early to start planting, but in preparation for actual spring, we’ve been reading up on DIY underwater gardening. We picked the self kelp book up at the library. 

Speaking of our wonderful library, thanks to everyone who came out to the Pyjama Party, hosted by library chair Laura O’Hunter at the Billings Library last week! Keep an ear out for more fun activities for the younguns as we get closer to the summer. 

The last of the free seniors’ exercise classes with Kelly O’Ranta is this Thursday at the O’Park Centre. New participants are still able to join! Come out at 9:30 am, no registration necessary. 

Thank you to all of the volunteers who have kept the rink at the Kagawong O’River Complex open for business throughout the winter!

Also due to the warmer weather, the half load restrictions are currently in effect for the Township O’Billings. Groups of leprechauns (also known as “lucks”) are limited to no more than 20 on a road at any given time. 

Spring dance season is just around the corner! Classes with Candice O’Irwin of Body Stories Dance Education and Performance are starting up again this week. Kagawong classes at the Park Centre Monday evenings include “Creative Movement” (ages 3-6), “Contemporary” (ages 6 and up) and “Mindful Movement” (adults and teens). 

Happy 29th birthday to Sharon O’Jackson, and happy almost-29th birthday to Brett O’Varey. We hope you celebrate appropriately and remember, a party without cake is just a meeting. 

If you are looking for a project to keep you busy this spring and summer, the back room at the Aus O’Hunt Marina is available to rent. 

Every hat is a top hat. A bottom hat is a shoe. Have a great week!

Meldrum Bay
Elaine Bradley

On Friday night at cards there were two very happy people. Two weeks ago Gene Cada won the money jar with 87 points, which is an exceptional score. Well, this week his wife Janice had 89 points as high lady and Murray Duncanson had 88 points as high man resulting in the two of them splitting the money jar; ladies’ lone hands was won by Myra Duncanson with five; men’s lone hands went to Gene with three; most euchres went to Lois Wismer with nine; door prize was won by Rick; Gene brought home the juice. Great evening for everyone. 

Rose VanEvery and Diane Jones were gone last weekend to attend a baby shower for Rose’s grandson’s wife. Last year was the wedding which we all enjoyed hearing about and now more excitement. Rose said as well as being the proud future great-grandmother it was really nice to visit with the extended VanEvery family who were there to celebrate the new baby to be.

Sue Riching’s son Bryce Williamson Riching died of heart disease on March 3. Lots of sympathy to Sue for her loss. 

John Bonwick’s mother passed away in Collingwood. Our hearts go out to John as well.

Weather here is great, the snow is melting, the birds are returning and I am sure the sap is dripping or at least starting to. Work is beginning in the sugar bush. My plants are starting on windowsills and under grow lights.

This weekend will be busy here. Cards will be Friday night at the hall. There will be a breakfast here in Meldrum on Saturday morning with proceeds going to hall repair. Then on Monday night to celebrate St. Patrick’s there will be a potluck in Silver Water.

Silver Water
Karen Noble

On Friday, March 7 we went to Meldrum Bay for euchre. We had lots of players. Congratulations to Murray Duncanson and Janice Cada who won the money jar, they each got $8.

Sunday morning after the services at St. Andrew’s United Church in Silver Water, they had lunch and then their annual meeting with a good number of people.

On Monday we went to the Burpee/Mills Complex to play euchre. There were eight-and-a-half tables of players.

The exercise class continues on Tuesday afternoons at 1 pm at the Silver Water Hall.

On Tuesday evening there was fire practice with a good number of attendees.

No one was out to the community hall for line dancing on Wednesday afternoon. It will continue for several more weeks if people come out for 1:30 pm.

On Thursday there was euchre at the Silver Water Community Hall with six full tables of players.

Andy Cull is here visiting his mother, Ardith, for a few weeks.

On Sunday, March 9 Gladys Duncanson travelled with her niece, Lisa Coburn, to southern Ontario to visit her son, Clarke Duncanson and his family.

Shawn Noble started tapping maple trees on March 7. He has been busy in the sugar bush since then. There are others tapping, too.

I have been working on income tax this past week.

Anne Boyd is back at home as of Wednesday. Karen and Steve Marshall arrived at her house on Thursday for a few days visit.

Happy 20th Birthday to Colton Chevrette on March 12.

Happy 90th birthday to Bill Kling on March 16.

Condolences to the family of Bryce Williamson Riching.

Condolences to the family of Francis Bonwick.

Condolences to the family of Evelyn Charbonneau.

Read our latest Friends and Neighbours:
• Column: Friends and Neighbours (March 12, 2025)
• Column: Friends and Neighbours (March 5, 2025)
• Column: Friends and Neighbours (February 26, 2025)
• Column: Friends and Neighbours (February 19, 2025)

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff
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