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Column: Friends and Neighbours

Providence Bay
Alexia Hannigan

Alexia here with your friendly frozen fly! 

We are halfway through February already! Is it me or is this year already sending it full braaap? And so much beautiful winter weather! So great to see the sled, ski and picket line trails blustery and booming! This is great news if you’re a winter sports enthusiast and just more delays for the folks painting their birdhouses and polishing their hummingbird feeders. I suppose February really is for the birds! NFL birds (congrats Eagles), lovebirds, snowbirds, gamebirds and bird-doggers (provincial elections)! From Superbowl Sunday to Valentines to Provincial Election Campaigns. February really is Heart month, literally and figuratively speaking as it tends to get to the heart of what really matters and what intentions we want to set for the rest of the year.

Happy middle and happy heart month everyone! Go forward with a brave heart and be the best that you can be! 

Here’s What’s happening: Providence Bay Arena, learn to skate on Sundays from 12 noon to 1 pm; public skate on Sundays from 1 to 3 pm; family sponge puck on Sundays from 3 to 5 pm. Sponsored by the Spring Bay/Prov Bay Recreation Committee. Helmets required.

McAllister Tourney coming soon! Stay tuned.

Providence Bay Curling Club continues to be busy with events and schedules. Email or call 705-377-4668 to register.

Providence Bay Community of Christ Church Sunday Service: 10:30 am meet-up; 11 am service.

Providence Bay Hall: For information or to book upcoming events, please contact Alison at 705-377-5726 or by email at

Winter Workouts continue Friday mornings from 10:30 to 11:30 am till March 14 at the Providence Bay Hall.

Tai Chi Classes continue Mondays and Thursdays from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. Contact Jean Pearce for more information at 705-885-8444.

The Heavens: Upcoming astronomical events in 2025 include: 

March 13 and 14, total lunar eclipse; March 14, Worm Moon.

March 20, March equinox; March 29, Partial solar eclipse.

April 12, Pink Moon.

Keep looking up! We have the gift of big sky here so enjoy the views!

The Fundraisers: Providence Bay/Spring Bay Lions Club bottle drive continues, drop off your empties next to the arena for a good cause! Check the Lions Facebook page for upcoming events.

Note: February 20 is World Day of Social Justice. This is an international day that recognizes and rallies around issues of poverty, exclusion, gender inequality, unemployment, human rights, civil rights and social protections. We Canadians have the good fortune of living in a great Country where we can exercise our free will and have liberties, rights and the socio-economic resources and protections to pursue, protect and persevere in upholding and practicing the cultures and customs that define who we are. We are so lucky! Stand firm on your beliefs and advocacies. Hold high the knowledge and traditions of your Elders and Ancestors. Canada is a constitutional monarchy, and a parliamentary democracy founded on the rule of law and respect for rights and freedoms. Many men and women sacrificed themselves for this stronghold. Respect and remember to promote (vote) the people that represent and keep Canada strong! 

Mentions: Thoughts to the Lentir and Gilchrist families. Thank you, Pam and God bless.

Team Fergmeijer

Long-time readers will remember that Team Fergmeijer loves to cook (as evidenced by our hit series of unpublished cookbooks). Hearing about our enthusiasm for all things edible, a group has reached out to us to take part in a chili cook off. The teams have to be anonymous for judging purposes, so we have to come up with a team name. We could use any feedback from you, lovely readers, on our options: Chili Con Carnage; The Spice Cadets; Red Hot Chili Preppers; The Scoville Scalawags; The Capsaicin Crew; Inferno Incognito. 

The problem with our Short Poems for a Short Month challenge is that it wraps up so quickly! Just one more week to email us your submissions. Since this week’s column appears to be chili related, here is one contribution: 

There once was a cook from Kagawong,

Whose chili was fiery and strong.

With peppers so hot,

One bite, you’d see spots—

And be sweating the whole day long.

In related news…St. John’s Anglican church is holding a chili luncheon on Saturday, March 8 (11 am to 2 pm). Now, these nice folks won’t get jalapeno business if you don’t stop by, but would you really want to miss out on some delicious homemade chili dinner that includes biscuits and refreshments for just $14? Desserts are also available, and it can all be eaten at the church or take it home with you.

Today! Big news! Billings Township will be offering senior active living programming for 2025. All seniors are invited to drop by the Park Centre today at 1 pm to kick off the new program and help develop the schedule of activities for the year.

Happy birthday wishes go out to Suedy H. and Ruth F. this week as they celebrate another successful 29th trip around the sun. Wishing you both a day full of fun, laughter and cake. Lots and lots of cake… because at your age, it’s important to keep the energy levels up!

This year is the 100th anniversary of the Old Mill in Kagawong and the museum board is planning a variety of ceremonial events and is looking for additional historical information. If you know of anyone who could help or who worked at the mill/hydro plant, the museum board would be grateful for any information (

Mamma Mia! at MSS is a hit! And you still have one weekend left to catch the show! This Broadway favourite will have you dancing, jiving and having the time of your life, singing along to the songs of ABBA. Friday, February 21 (7 pm) and Saturday, February 22 (2 pm matinée). Tickets are $20 at the door or online at

Deepen your connection with your body with the free Inclusive Mindful Movement classes at the Park Centre Mondays, now through March 3 (8 to 9 pm). Come out for a gentle, joyful movement practice focused on helping you find more ease in your movement and alignment. No dance experience necessary. Space is limited. Pre-registration is encouraged. (647-213-1497). 

A good-bye haiku

Doesn’t have to be drawn out,

Lengthy, laggard, dawd…

Have a great week!

Meldrum Bay
Elaine Bradley

Family Day had arrived on the weekend.  Meldrum Bay had our Fun Day on Sunday, February 16, with a dinner followed by a Euchre Tournament. I put together a stew for the dinner. Others made chili and desserts.

In the winter, Meldrum Bay Church has a monthly meeting and last weekend we had a really nice service. Before the service there was a luncheon at the hall. We had soup, sandwiches, meatballs, pasta salad and desert. Of course, we had a great time visiting as well.

Recently we celebrated a friend’s birthday in town. They had soft tacos that you put together yourself. There were so many fillings. Mine was way too full of good stuff to be able to eat politely. It was very good and a lot of fun.

I think this column is all about food because last Friday morning we went to Almaz’s in Gore Bay for coffee and cake.  They are doing this every Friday morning in the back of the store. Coffee is compliments of the town of Gore Bay. We had a great time. 

We’ve had something unusual happen. A large helicopter was flying over the town quite low, starting at the other side of the bay, then flying towards the quarry. It was black, and no one knows who it belongs to. It flew over two days in a row.

Friday night at cards there were four- and three-quarter tables. High lady was Lois Wismer with 74 points; high man was Diane Jones with 76 points. You need 82 to win the money jar, so they were close, but the jar is safe for another week. Karen Noble won the ladies’ lone hands with 4; men’s lone hands went to Murray Duncanson with six and Natasha McVey had the most euchres; the door prize went to Anne Steele; Rick Bradley won the 50/50 draw.

This Friday is euchre again at 7:30. Everyone is welcome to join us.

Have a great week everyone.

Barrie Islands
Enid Runnalis

Lil Greenman reports that Lance is making progress with his physiotherapy in Sudbury. They are both hoping that he will be home by late February. Natalie has been visiting daily and his brother was over from Ottawa to check in on him.

There is so much going on in our community, on February 24, Renee Zillio will be leading Tai Chi classes at the Gordon/Barrie Island Hall. Classes cost $10 a session. Call/text the Municipal Office for more information. 

Maple Syrup season is just around the corner, and our local producers are preparing their wood piles and collection systems!

Micah Runnalls has been joining in on the Karate class in Gore Bay at the Community Hall with black-belt Anja Wright and her helpers. He and a group of three- to five-year-olds are learning the ancient martial art discipline as well as a few words in Japanese.

Last weekend Micah and Eli Miller helped their dads feed cattle.

The Miller family spent a few days skiing in Knowlton, Quebec. Sandy was on deck to help with the little ones while the rest hit the slopes. Katie drove over from Toronto and joined in the fun!

The Campbell Horticulture Society met last Tuesday in Spring Bay. The group meets monthly and welcomes members from all corners of Manitoulin. There are currently three members (Enid Runnalls, Sandy Runnalls-Miller and Carolyn Lane-Rock) going to meetings from Barrie Island. We are hoping to learn more about flower and vegetable gardening. Carolyn would like to plant at least 50 tomato plants this year and is looking for the perfect sunny spot. At the most recent meeting we learned about pollinators with speaker and beekeeper Janice Mitchell. Next month’s meeting topic will cover ‘Native Plants’.

Carolyn and friends are enjoying Portugal right now. She called Enid from Madeira the other day. She reports that the scenery is spectacular. She’s also recently been to the Azores. But she misses us here and hopes we are enjoying the snow. lol

February birthday greetings go out to the Montgomery brothers, Brad and Murray, as well as Caroyln and George Calback. Wishing the four of them a wonderful day and year ahead.

Our community is mourning the loss of Gordon Township neighbours Kim Lentir and Christa Flood. To their family and friends, we send our heartfelt condolences.

Silver Water
Karen Noble

The UCW meeting was held on Thursday, February 6 at St. Andrew’s United Church in Silver Water. There were 12 ladies in attendance. The roll call was to bring Valentine’s cards that will be distributed at the Manitoulin Lodge in Gore Bay.

On Friday evening, DonnaKay McDonald and Lois Wismer went with me to play euchre in Meldrum Bay. There were 19 players.

On Sunday, Brenda Carter, Albert Meijer and I went to the potluck lunch in Meldrum Bay. We stayed to clean up the dishes while most of the attendees went to the church service.

Lori Mastelko, Lindsay and Lisa Addison travelled to Ohio to attend their Uncle Jack Addison’s funeral on Monday.

On Monday afternoon the recycle bins were open.

On Monday the fire team and their spouses went to Stop 540 for the annual appreciation dinner.

There was an exercise class at the community hall on Tuesday afternoon at 1 pm.

There was fire practice on Tuesday evening with a good-sized group out.

Line dancing was Wednesday afternoon starting at 1:30 pm at the hall.

Gladys Duncanson and I had our first walk of this year on Wednesday afternoon. We did not go far but it was nice to get out.

Just before dark on Wednesday, we had a deer in the backyard. She was having a hard time walking across the lawn in the deep snow which almost touched her belly. 

The snow started to fall late Wednesday afternoon. The forecast is for quite a bit.

Happy Family Day to everyone.

Condolences to the family of Christa Flood.

Condolences to the family of Arden Bock.

Article written by

Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff