Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Circle of Hope name change brings renewed interest

Circle of Hope name change brings renewed interest


Cancer support group to meet monthly in Mindemoya council chambers

To the Expositor:

In 1993-4 Shirley Bond and I were diagnosed with breast cancer. Very little support was available at the time. Helen Eade, president of the local branch of the Cancer Society, introduced us and suggested we start a peer support group. At the first meeting there were only four of us and Jane Storey, then editor of this paper, wrote a story and suggested we try a few more meetings and see what developed. The Circle of Hope Breast Cancer Support Group was formed.

Over the years close to 50 women have come and gone. We have participated in the first years of Dragon Boat Races and Run for the Cure in Sudbury as well as Relay for Life at Manitoulin Secondary School. Monthly support meetings and social events were held. Interest dropped and for many years we met when needed or by request. Five years ago we changed the name of the group to Support for Women with Cancer and made it available to any women who felt the need for support. Attendance has grown during this past year.

Recently we held a meet and greet with potluck supper for women affected by cancer, their families and supporters. Twenty-two people came and we had women with a variety of cancer. The future of the group was discussed and it was unanimously decided to hold monthly meetings. One month in the afternoon and the next possibly in the evening. Any woman with any cancer is welcome to attend and may bring a supporter with her. All discussions are confidential and the opportunity to meet with others going through similar experiences can be very rewarding. If you or anyone you know is interested our next meeting is at the council chambers in Mindemoya on Thursday September 25 at 1 pm or you may call Ciann at 705-368-3030.

Ciann Strickland and Shirley Bond
Co-founders and facilitators
Circle of Hope



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