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: Helen Gordon and
Brenda Fraser sell John
Hodder some ‘touch and take’ goodies from the Little Current United Church Christmas Tea held Saturday

Birthday girl Mary Buie and fellow carolers sing ‘Away in a Manger’ at St. John the
Evangelist Anglican Church as part of the Christmas in
Kagawong festivities.
photo by Sharon Jackson

Stacy Collins of Manitouwadge was a
popular vendor at the Manitoulin
Secondary School Christmas craft show held recently. Ms. Collins had a beautiful assortment of one of a kind jewellery that she makes herself.
photo by Betty Bardswich

Anastasia Eranosova sells classic, all-natural wreaths made of Manitoulin cedar pine and balsa. She was one of the many vendors at Christmas in Kagawong.

Aiden, Alexis and mom Maryanne McGraw of Sheguiandah sell lovely Younique beauty products at the Manitoulin Secondary School Christmas craft show.
photo by Betty Bardswich

The ever popular Manitoulin Secondary School Christmas craft show was a huge success again this year with a great amount of vendors to make Christmas shopping easier. Pictured are Marlene Moore of
Providence Bay and Joan McMurray of Tekhummah with a large assortment of knitted goods.
photo by Betty Bardswich