Christmas in Kagawong: Come and get in the Christmas spirit with us!


by Sharon Jackson

KAGAWONG–Back on November 27, 1993, Koki and Dick Maloney’s brainchild, Christmas in Kagawong, was initiated as a ‘for the community’ project. Twenty-two years later, Christmas in Kagawong is still going strong with members of the Billings Economic Development Committee (EDC) holding the reins.

The two-day event is scheduled for Friday, November 20 and Saturday, November 21.

Doors open at the Park Centre at 3 pm on Friday afternoon where vendors will have tables laden with fabulous gift ideas for that hard to shop for person on your list.

Take a break from your retail therapy and head down to the main floor and enjoy a dinner featuring tourtiere, salads, mashed potatoes, dessert, tea or coffee for $15. Served from 5 to 7:30 pm, this meal is a popular favourite during the two-day market. Bon appetite.

Make sure you visit the tables laden with Friends of the Billings Library’s 4th Silent Auction items from 4 to 8 pm on Friday evening. Starring the wonderful generosity and talent of local artists, artisans, businesses and citizens, some of which include printed cards, a variety of art work, bird feeder, wooden mailbox, children’s books and a man’s watch. All proceeds from the silent auction go towards the purchase of books for the Library.

The doors re-open on Saturday morning at 10 am when the vendors will be set up and silent auction items once again be on display.

In keeping with the ‘for the community’ theme, St John’s Anglican Church members will have baking, craft tables, and gift baskets for sale along with traditional Christmas cake and cider to warm your insides. Join them from 10 to 3 pm.

The Old Mill Heritage Museum will be closed until May of 2016, however members of the Museum Board will have a table of items from the museum’s gift shop, including t-shirts, mugs and DVDs that will make terrific stocking stuffers.

Lunch will be served by members of the Museum Board beginning at 11 am until 2 pm with the annual Running of the Balls at 3 pm. Balls are $2 each.

The second Seedy Saturday free seed swap will take place at the Public Library (located at 18 Upper Street) from 1 to 2 pm. If you have extra seeds you don’t need or want to try something new, bring your seeds and share your knowledge and stories with other savvy seed savers. If you are just starting out and have no seeds to share, just bring a small donation to participate. All donations will support the development of a heritage seed lending library. For more information, call 705-282-2944, email or follow them on Twitter @kaglibrary.

Saturday’s day of shopping winds down at 4 pm. Finish off your day in Kagawong by taking a walk or drive through Kagawong’s Prettiest village and check out the Christmas tree in front of the municipal office building which members of the Billings Recreation Committee decorated with birds and other wildlife in mind.

Organizer Sharon Alkenbrack feels the community spirit where everyone participates in the village, “from the top of the hill to the church,” is what sets this market apart from the rest. When the Maloneys and McKeens first began the tradition, they did an “awesome job,” shared Ms. Alkenbrack.

The colourful bicycles (decked out with bows and poinsettias tucked in the baskets) and hand crafted wooden trees sprinkled throughout the community by members of EDC will be sure to put residents and visitors alike in the mood for Christmas.