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Central Manitoulin Council Notes


Councillor expresses satisfaction over support

Councillor Derek Stephens expressed satisfaction that other Island municipalities have passed motions in support of his motion calling on the Ministry of Natural Resources to provide financial support for fish and game club restocking efforts.

“I am glad to see other municipalities are supporting my motion to support fish and game clubs,” said Councillor Stephens.


Funeral home appointed for sale of cemetery plots

Council passed a motion, moved by Councillor Ted Taylor, seconded by Councillor Derek Stephens, appointing Island Funeral Home as one of the agents of the municipality for the sale of plots and the collection of interment costs as per the Funerals, Burials and Cremation Services Act upon recommendation from the Finance and Administration Committee.

“We had a request from Island Funeral Home,” explained CAO Ruth Frawley. “Apparently they have to be appointed by the municipality in order to be able to open a cemetery plot.” The appointment by the municipality is required under the Act in order for a funeral home to act on behalf of the municipality.

“This is important because one of the biggest problems I have heard is collecting the cost of opening the plot if the family does not pay the cost,” said Councillor Stephens. “This makes it easier to pay the gravediggers.”


Quilt boards purchased

Council passed a motion recommended by the Finance and Administration Committee and moved by Councillor Derek Stephens, seconded by Councillor Gloria Haner, that the municipality purchases three quilt boards from the Township of Assiginack and once painted, that they be mounted in appropriate locations.

“People actually travel around to find these boards,” said Mayor Gerry Strong, who applauded the work being accomplished by Assiginack events coordinator Jackie White in creating innovative means to attract visitors to the region.

“Anything for the good of the Island is good for us,” said Councillor Stephens.

“We toured that way when we visited Quebec,” said Councillor Haner. “It is a popular way of people being introduced to an area.”


Property standards officer appointed

Council passed a motion on recommendation from the Administration and Finance Committee appointing Raymond McPherson as the Property Standards Officer for the Municipality of Central Manitoulin.


Vote by mail authorized

Council passed a motion recommended by the Finance and Administration Committee, moved by Councillor Derek Stephens and seconded by Councillor Ted Taylor, to authorize an alternative voting method (vote by mail) for the 2014 municipal election.

Mayor Gerry Strong noted that the municipality must pass the motion in order to allow voters to use a mail-in ballot.

CAO Ruth Frawley noted that the mail-in ballot process is handled by a company, Datafix, rather than by Canada Post as in the past.

“Another cutback from our provincial government,” quipped Councillor Derek Stephens.


Gas Tax agreement authorized

Council passed a motion recommended by the Finance and Administration Committee, moved by Councillor Derek Stephens and seconded by Councillor Ted Taylor, authorizing the mayor and clerk to enter into an agreement between the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and the municipality for the transfer of federal gas tax revenues.

CAO Ruth Frawley indicated that previous revenue from the gas tax ran to approximately $116,000 a year and that AMO handles the distribution of the funds on behalf of the federal government.


Cheque register passed

Council passed the April cheque register in the amount of $381,172.37.


Additional Duke Street road construction

Council passed a motion recommended by the Public Works Committee, moved by Councillor Ted Taylor and seconded by Councillor Gloria Haner, to proceed with additional road construction on Duke Street to a maximum of $27,000.

“This is for paving required because of the manhole covers,” said Councillor Taylor. “They have to be paved in order to provide better drainage, asphalt has to be used (instead of chip and tar).”

“It is not that we had to,” added CAO Ruth Frawley, “but it is so that there will be better drainage.”


Prov Community Centre terms passed

Council passed a motion recommended by the Public Works Committee, moved by Councillor Derek Stephens and seconded by Councillor Gloria Haner, that the terms of reference for the Providence Bay Community Centre Board be adopted.

“They have been operating without official terms of reference for years,” said Councillor Stephens, indicating it was felt that formal terms should be adopted.


Child at play sign for Monument Road

Council passed a motion recommended by the Public Works Committee, moved by Councillor Derek Stephens and seconded by Councillor Gloria Haner, that a Children at Play sign be erected near 1751 Monument Road.

“This came forward from a concerned citizen,” said Councillor Stephens. “We didn’t have a real problem with it.”

“With the park and that down there, there is a fair amount of traffic down Monument Road,” said Councillor Stephens.


OGRA to retain funds

Council passed a motion recommended by the Public Works Committee, moved by Councillor Gloria Haner and seconded by Councillor Ted Taylor, that the Ontario Good Roads Association retain $180.36 in a reserve for future actions against the Minimum Maintenance Standards.

CAO Ruth Frawley indicated that council had originally sent OGRA $360 for the campaign, but that the organization had only used half of the monies allocated.

Council decided the costs of having the funds returned was likely more expensive than allowing OGRA to retain those funds for future efforts.


New stage supported for Providence Bay Fairgrounds

Council passed a motion recommended by the Public Works Committee, moved by Councillor Derek Stephens and seconded by Councillor Ted Taylor, that the council support in principle the Providence Bay/Spring Bay Lions Club with their proposal for a new stage at the Providence Bay Fairgrounds, and further that the municipality arrange a meeting between the prospective parties who may utilize the stage.

“This falls in line with the Providence Bay area being identified as a fitting area for arts and culture,” said Councillor Stephens.


New firefighters appointed

Council passed a motion recommended by the Public Works Committee, moved by Councillor Ted Taylor and seconded by Councillor Derek Stephens, that the applications from Michael Laende and Mackenzie McGrady for the volunteer fire department be approved on condition of approval of the fire chief.



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