Roads, Water, Waste
Council will authorize the clerk to sign the client/consultant agreement between the municipality and Tulloch Engineering Inc. for phase two design (tender ready drawings) and phase three (contract administration and construction phase services) for the construction of a sidewalk and crosswalk on Highway 551. This will see the sidewalk extended from the downtown corner in Mindemoya to the hospital.
Council has accepted the revised closure plan for the Mindemoya waste disposal site as provided by Cambium Inc. and has also accepted the proposed schedule of events to be included in the Spring Bay waste disposal site closure plan as outlined by Cambium Inc., and slated to be done by the end of 2019.
The road superintendent has been authorized by council to spend $20,000 on repairs to the 2008 Volvo grader before setting of the 2019 budget and that this amount be added to the 2019 operating budget.
There was discussion on the motion to support in principle the transfer of the Wagg’s Wood property to the Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy. Councillor Derek Stephens expressed his concern that the municipality needs to get on that land for such things as water drainage and that there has to be wording in the agreement to allow for water removal. He also noted that there have to be conditions on the transfer of the land in case the conservancy wants to perhaps give it to another conservancy. Councillor Steve Shaffer outlined the three areas that would be in the agreement including access for drainage, adjacent landowners concerns, and that the municipality has the right of first refusal if the Conservancy wants to, say, liquidate some of their holdings. The municipality paid $60,000 for the property.
Finance and Economic Development
There was a request from the vendor of the mobile vending truck at 6100 Highway 542 to remain on site until October 31, 2019. The vendor wants to operate in the same place next year and cited his concerns with the need and cost to disconnect the truck and then reconnect in the spring. Councillor Shaffer expressed his desire to encourage economic development, but there are requirements under bylaw 2012-11 to be used. He said that there was no excuse for not knowing the provisions of the bylaw and noted that the mobile unit would then no longer be a mobile unit if council accepted the vendor’s request. He requested an amendment to the motion that the vendor is in non-compliance. Councillor Stephens noted that there have not been any complaints from the public or the surrounding businesses. The bylaw enforcement officer will study the bylaw and the vendor will be allowed to stay for now.
Council accepted the Manitoulin Tourism Association (MTA) statistical analysis report.
Council has also accepted the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing reports including the municipal financial profile and the financial indicator review.
The minutes of the Planning Board meeting have been accepted by council.
Office and Administration
Council approved the closure of the municipal office on December 24, 25 and 26.
The 2018 annual update of the strategic plan 2016-2021 was accepted with the change of item 3. V (recreation facility) becoming a strategic priority for the finance and economic development committee.
The January meeting schedule changes, for January only, were accepted by council.
Security, Health and Education
Council approved bylaw 2018-12 to control the coyote predator population with the change that a valid hunting or trapping licence must be shown when compensation for kills are being sought.
Recommendations to council were accepted for the health and safety policies and procedures for the municipality including terms of reference and the high risk/lone worker policy and the harassment, bullying, discrimination and violence in the workplace policy were accepted along with a confidentiality clause for the latter.
Council accepted the cannabis store legislation as outlined by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario and the Ontario government.
The animal control report for September to November 2018, was accepted as well as the fire chief’s verbal report of November and the emergency management program committee minutes were accepted.
Mayor Stephens announced the committee heads that were determined at the new council first meeting on December 4. Councillor Dale Scott will head the Manitoulin Information Centre operations committee, Councillor Farquhar will be the chairperson of the Hilly Grove cemetery committee and Councillor Stephens will oversee the Mindemoya Old School committee.
All the Central Manitoulin council committee financial reports were accepted with Councillor Stephens noting that all committees are within, or under, budget.