Home Columns C.C. McLean P.S. Colts going Strong!

C.C. McLean P.S. Colts going Strong!


By Rachael Orford

It is almost May and spring may finally be here! Is it now, “May showers bring June Flowers?” I hope everyone is finally ready for spring!

Soccer season is already here! Both the Junior and Intermediate teams have started to practice. The Island Soccer tournament will be held on May 7. The Junior team will be playing at Central Manitoulin Public School (CMPS) in Mindemoya and the Intermediate team will be playing in Wiikwemkoong.

A soccer joke for you:

Why was the magician the captain of the soccer team? Because he was the best at hat tricks.

On April 15, Mason Leighton represented Manitoulin Island and C.C. McLean at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 39 public speaking competition in the District H and K Finals in Espanola. Mason placed first in his division and will be moving onto the provincial level competition. Mason will be speaking in Trenton, Ontario on May 5. Great job, Mason!

From Wednesday, April 18 to Friday, April 20, Grade 7 students were in McDougall, Ontario for Tim Hortons Camp. This was the second and last trip for the Grade 7 students. They enjoyed all of the activities that were planned, made new friends, and learned lots of new things. Everyone had a great time!

Thank you to everyone who came out to the information session for the Reciprocity Project at the Gore Bay and Area Senior Centre Drop In Centre. Both seniors and students are looking forward to working together on many different things! If you are interested in joining, even if you didn’t attend the information session, there is a sign-up sheet in the senior centre (attached to C.C. McLean). If you have any other questions, please contact the school.

On Monday, April 23, C.C. McLean celebrated Earth Day! Earth Day was on Sunday, April 22, but we decided to do our party anyway. Lights were turned off when they weren’t needed. We’ll also be participating in a community clean up on May 4 once all the snow is gone (hopefully!).

On Wednesday, April 25, author Andrea Beck visited the school and had a chance to meet with all primary classes. Andrea is an author and illustrator of children’s books. She is well known for her ‘Elliot Moose’ children’s books. All the students enjoyed the visit with her! For more information about Andrea Beck, please visit her website at www.andreabeck.com.

Thursday, April 26, was Jump Day for students in Grades 2-7 who participated in Jump Rope for Heart. All the students got together in the gym at 11:30 am to jump together in support of the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Thank you to everyone who donated and participated in Jump Rope for Heart.

Today, April 17, students in Grades 4, 5/6, and 6/7 travelled to Manitoulin Secondary School (MSS) to see a traditional First Nations powwow.

On May 7, students in Grade 4 will be participating in Swim to Survive at the Espanola pool. Swim to Survive gives basic swimming lessons to students so they can feel more comfortable in the water. Also, so they know how to handle themselves in certain situations. Since we live on an island are surrounded by water, it is a good thing to know how to swim!

Joke of the week: Why did the jelly bean want to go to school? Because he wanted to become a smartie!

Upcoming events include the soccer tournament, swim to survive for Grade 4, and Battle of the Books.

Until next time, “Dream and Believe. Learn and Achieve!”


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