Top 5 This Week

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C.C. McLean Colts going strong!

by Rachael Orford

We have officially been at school for over two months!! In other words, we have been at school for 45 days. Wow, how time flies!! Now on the brighter side, there are only 29 school days until Christmas break. Unfortunately that means that there will be lots of white stuff on the ground between now and then.

So, how else can you make time fly?

Throw a clock out the window.

The past week has been a quiet one. But that means a lot of hard work and learning was being accomplished in the classrooms.

On November 2, parent/teacher interviews and a book fair were held. Thank you to all parents that came to the school to find out how well their children are doing. There was a good turnout at the book fair, and lots of books were sold. Thank you to everyone that set up and helped with the book fair!

On Monday, November 6th, picture retakes occurred. Anyone who missed having their picture taken in October or wanted to retake their pictures got a second chance to smile for the camera.

Today, November 10, the school is holding a Remembrance Day service at 10 am in the gym. Everyone is welcome to join us! Please wear a poppy to honour our veterans.

Next Friday, November 17 is a Professional Development Day (P.D. Day)! Students get to sleep in, while staff have to go to school. For the staff who have to go to school next Friday, look at it this way; it will be a quiet day as there will be no students around. That has to be worth something, right?

C.C. McLean has gotten more tech savvy! C.C. McLean has its own Facebook page that is up and working! If you are on Facebook, please like us, follow us and share with friends!

Communication between Mrs. Chapman, teachers and parents is also moving into the 21st century as a new type of communication method between home and school is being introduced. Parents and guardians can sign up for the free text messaging app ‘Remind’ that sends reminders to your smart phone or email. When you sign up for ‘Remind’ your personal information is kept confidential and is not available to others. Please contact your child’s teacher for the number and message to sign up for ‘Remind.’

Most teachers have requested that students read every night as part of their regular homework. Just a friendly reminder that reading every night or practicing some math facts won’t hurt. Getting more comfortable at reading out loud, listening to a story, or practicing multiplication facts will not just make things better and easier now, but also later. You know the saying, “Practice makes perfect!”

The Homework Help Program is a math assistance program that is available for grades 7,8, 9, and 10. If you are not aware of the Homework Help Program, please contact your child’s teacher for information about the website. This website offers free one-on-one tutoring in math, by a certified math leader. This program is available after school, Sunday to Thursday, from 5:30 to 9:30 pm.

Joke of the week: What do you call an empty parrot cage? A polygon. (Polly Gone).

Upcoming events include, a P.D. Day.

Until next time, “Dream and Believe. Learn and Achieve.”

Article written by

Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff