Home News Local Businessman’s life experiences prompts Thanksgiving meal donations

Businessman’s life experiences prompts Thanksgiving meal donations

Helping make Thanksgiving a special day for many families on Manitoulin lsland and Espanola! Northern Real Estate Group and Orr’s Valu-Mart in Little Current have teamed up to donate over $2,200 of goods, including turkeys for Thanksgiving dinner, to the Manitoulin Island, and Espanola Food Banks. From left is Jordan Stephens, Nolan Blum, Cameron Orr, Chris Pyette, Andrew Orr, Ty Cordell and Alex Hartle.

MANITOULIN—Northern Real Estate Group and Orr’s Valu-Mart in Little Current have teamed up to help provide families on Manitoulin Island and Espanola with everything needed for Thanksgiving dinner.

“Essentially, we like to give back to the community,” Jordan Stephens of Northern Real Estate Group told The Expositor. “And this donation was special because I can remember when I was young, my late mother was involved in the Manitoulin Food Bank, and we received donations of food. I just thought it would be good to give back to the community in this way.”

“So grateful to be able to give back this Thanksgiving,” stated Jordan Stephens on a Facebook post last Friday. “This year, we partnered with Orr’s Valu-Mart and donated over $2,200 of goods to the Manitoulin and Espanola Food Banks.”

Mr. Stephens, who was born and raised on Manitoulin, is a broker with Northern Real Estate Group, which services Manitoulin, Espanola and Sudbury.

“I know Andrew (Orr owner of Orr’s Valu-Mart) and asked him if he would partner on this,” said Mr. Stephens.

“Jordan had approached me on this idea, and we were all for it,” Mr. Orr told The Expositor. “We teamed up with Northern Real Estate Group by matching funds, and we put together bags with turkeys, stuffing, cranberries and more, and we helped put everything together with 25 bags going to the Manitoulin Food Bank in Mindemoya and 25 bags going to the Espanola Food Bank,” said Mr. Orr. “We like to help out where we can help out; it gives me us a good feeling helping out and giving back to the community.”


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